the avengers trying their best for a whole text conversation

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Webhead: mr. stark??? i kind of had a nightmare but like it's okay you don't have to come over or anything but i was wondering if you were able to just talk with me for a little bit you don't have to

Webhead: ned and may are asleep and i don't want to wake them

Ice Cube: Peter? What's wrong? I think you have the wrong chat.

Webhead: oh shoot i'm sorry guys just ignore that

Natalie Rushman: Absolutely not. Do you want to talk in pm's, or are you comfortable telling everybody?

Webhead: i guess i'm comfortable telling everyone i just don't want to bother you guys or something it's kind of dumb

IronDad: It's alright kid, what's up

Webhead: um ok well i had a nightmare about by uncle

Katniss: What can we do to help?

Green Giant: ^^We're here to help, Peter

Webhead: thanks. basically i just want to think about something else so maybe just talk to me? if you want you don't have to

IronDad: you aren't bothering us. We'd love to talk to you. What's going on in school?

Webhead: the usual. flash is annoying, im trying to get mj to like me and ned and i bought the avengers compound lego set

Falcon: you're high school experience is way more innocent than my high school experience

Natalie Rushman: I doubt you even did anything during high school, Wilson

Falcon: Okay rude

Ice Cube: Settle down, everybody. We're trying to help Peter.

Green Giant: We are helping Peter, Steve. Relax

Falcon: Look who's talking

Green Giant: I'm sorry, did you not want my help?

Webhead: you guys are really bad at this ngl

IronDad: good lord you guys are the worst. Peter, I'm omw

Ice Cube: What does that mean?

Natalie Rushman: Sorry, Peter.

Webhead: it's okay, ms. romanoff

Katniss: You said your nightmare was about your uncle?

Natalie Rushman: заткнись, Бартон

Webhead: ???i'm american

Webhead: i'm sorry ms.romanoff

Katniss: nat I'm going somewhere with this I promise

Webhead: yeah it was about my uncle

Katniss: I'm really sorry about that, kid. How long, if you don't mind me asking

Webhead: few years ago. year before germany

Natalie Rushman: You were extremely well trained for somebody without professional training at that time.

Webhead: thanks i think

Green Giant: That's a fabulous compliment, Peter:)

Webhead: thanks i know

Webhead: wait that just sounds mean

Webhead: oh mr. stark is here bye guys ttyl

Ice Cube: What does that mean?!

Falcon: talk to you later

Ice Cube: Okay, bye

Falcon: Wait no

Natalie Rushman: All of you are idiots except for Banner and Barton

Katniss: thanks nat

Natalie Rushman: Don't make me take it back

Katniss: I'm going to the store who wants what

Falcon: takis

Ice Cube: We're out of milk and bread.

Natalie Rushman: Oreos

Green Giant: English tea, please

Green Giant: should we get something for Thor next time he visits?

Katniss: does he have a phone, someone text him asking him what he wants

Ice Cube: He doesn't have a phone.

Falcon: send a raven

Webhead: omg did someone say thor

IronDad: Someone has a crush on Thor and it's not me

Falcon: or me

Natalie Rushman: Nobody asked

Green Giant: Hey, Thor is pretty cool

Webhead:  ^^^^^^^v Ery cool

Katniss: Guys. I'm at the store now. I'm getting takis, milk, bread, Oreos and ???

Webhead: i don't live in the tower but can you get lucky charms for when i come over

Katniss: yup

Webhead: also thor's favourite food is strawberry milkshake poptarts

Katniss: I'll add it to the list

IronDad: How do you know that????

Webhead: interview. i know a lot about all of you guys from interviews you've all done.

Falcon: what's Stark's favourite food?

Webhead: he said in 2009 that it was something nsfw but it 2014 he said it was actually his mom's blueberry pancakes

IronDad: I don't know how I feel about this

Katniss: Geez, Tony. Peter how old were you when you watched that interview

Webhead: nine but mr. stark has changed and he's really good now

Green Giant: Okay... Anyways. Are you feeling better?

Webhead: yeah, thank you guys for hanging out

Natalie Rushman: Of course, Peter. Sorry we argued

Webhead: that's okay

IronDad: we're going to work in the labs now, bye

Katniss: bye

Ice Cube: Bye

Green Giant: Bye

Falcon: bye

Natalie Rushman: I'm purposely breaking the streak because it's dumb

Fairly Odd Wanda: this is why I want to break my phone all the time. Stop spamming me. Good to know you're feeling better tho, Pete

Webhead: thanks gotta go mr. stark is gonna take my ph

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