The 100 times Peter and Tony liked vines

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Hi there. Please take a second to read this message. 

Today is September 11, 2019. As I'm sure you know, eighteen years ago, a horrific event took place regarding the Twin Towers. Many lives were lost, and people are still suffering today. This oneshot is not going to be discussing this event, so if that is a trigger for you I just want you to know that you can still read this.

I'm hoping to make this a little bit of a happy, fun piece of writing in case this is a very hard day for you. The attack had left many marks, and like i said, many were affected.  If this isn't a hard day for you, then please continue reading. Just know that everybody is loved, and safe here.

That being said, today is also the day I created my account and uploaded my first oneshot. Last year was a very different time, and it's crazy to think that this book is so successful and has so many chapters. So here it is. The 100th oneshot, and the one year anniversary of this book. The first chapter I ever wrote  was a vine oneshot, so...I bet you can see where this is going.

Friendly reminder that just because I'm uploading a oneshot to celebrate the 100th chapter and also anniversary of the book, does not mean that I do not respect and am not very upset about the 9/11 date and those lost in the event. I hope that nobody gets offended by this, because it just happened to be the date I uploaded first. 

Okay. Serious stuff over. Have a good day today, drink your water, take your meds if you have them, get sleep, Good morning/Goodnight, and Hi welcome to chili's.

"Oh my god—Mr. Stark!!! I just got verified on Twitter," Peter grins. "Perks of being a Stark intern, I guess."

Tony looks up and shrugs. "Sure, you may be verified on twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of god?"

",,,,you're an athi—WAIT YOU DID NOT JUST—" Peter bursts out laughing.


"Okay, so what do you know about cars?" Tony asks as Peter sits in the driver's seat.

"Uhhh...The PRNDL," Peter answers confidently.

"The—I'm sorry, the what?"

"The PRNDL."

"Are—" Tony sighs. "Are you talking about this?" He asks, gesturing to the gear shift.

"Yeah!" Peter grins.

Tony sighs deeply. "Yep. Nevermind. I'm driving."

"No—Mr. Stark—that's not how it goes," Peter says. "You're supposed to say 'nO THAT'S THE GEAR SHIFT, AND THE LETTERS STAND FOR PARK REVERSE NEUTRAL DRIVE AND L O W!'"

"...This is some sort of vine, isn't it?" Tony asks.

Peter nods enthusiastically.

He sighs again. "No! That's the gear shift, and the letters stand for—PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, DRIVE AND LOW!"

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