Something Off

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Peter drops his pencil suddenly. Tony looks at him. "Is something wrong?"

Peter looks confused. "I... I don't know. I feel like something is... off? I can't place it."

Tony looks confused as well. "I've been thinking that almost all day. I feel like something is missing," He says.

They shrug and continue working.

Meanwhile, in Wakanda:

Steve sits, staring at the floor. Bucky comes up behind him. "What's wrong?"

Steve shakes his head. "Is it someone's birthday today? Is it an anniversary of something?"

Bucky looks confused. "No, why?"

Steve shrugs. " I don't know, I just feel like something important happened."

Bucky rubs Steve's back, and speaks softly. "I wouldn't worry about it, I'm sure it's nothing." Steve nods.

"Ok," he murmurs.

Meanwhile, on a far off island:

"Brother, is something going on today?" Thor asks thoughtfully.

Loki speaks back in an annoyed but seemingly frightened voice. "No, but I feel like there is."

Thor hums in response and pushes the thought out of his mind.

Meanwhile, in a broken-down S.H.I.E.L.D base:

Natasha frowns, glaring at her paperwork. She gets up and walks down to the cafe, making sure to be aware of her surroundings. Why was she so on edge?

She looks around the cafe for a certain face, but is disappointed to not find them. Usually, there's an old man playing checkers by himself. She would sit down and play with him if she had time, and found herself enjoying her time with him.

But there was no man. She frowned and ordered a coffee before leaving. She still felt on edge.

Meanwhile, in the labs across from Peter & Tony:

Bruce falls asleep while working, but his hand still moves and writes in his sleep. When he wakes up, he sees a bunch of scribbles on the small portable whiteboard. One thing in particular confuses him.

It's right in the middle, in big bold writing, with a simple but haunting message.


After that, there is an unintelligible name written that he can't read. He shrugs and gets up to go and sleep in his actual bed.

Meanwhile, on the farm:

Clint drives down a dirt road, hoping to get to the hardware store in time before they close. He feels a sudden wave of remorse. He pulls over for a second and thinks. Why would he feel remorse?

He starts the car again and continues driving. When he gets there, two workers put up a poster that reads the death of one of their co-workers. Clint blinks. Is this why he felt remorse? It seemed so silly, but he felt something deeper with this co-worker he'd only seen once in the store.

He buys his things and walk out. The name rings in his head.

"Rest In Peace, Stan Lee."

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