And A Happy Birthday

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Peter had been having an amazing birthday.

He woke up, had his favourite breakfast ever. (AKA: Aunt May's famously delicious wheatcakes.)

He went to school, had the whole school sing Happy Birthday to him at lunch much to his own embarrassment.

Ned and MJ gave him birthday wishes, and then school ended. He had gotten picked up from Happy, and immediately, he got suspicious.

"Hey Happy," he smiled, getting into the car. Happy then smiled back. Peter's smile instantly dropped and he looked at him in confusion. "Did you just--Did you just smile at me?"

"Yeah," Happy started the car. "Don't get used to it. Happy birthday."

"Thanks, Happy," Peter says, looking out the window.

They get to the compound and Peter passes by one of the living rooms, walking in the direction of the lab.

"Peter, wait, I'm in the living room!" Tony calls out.

Peter stops and backtracks. "Oh, sorry. Usually you're in the labs and-" He stops talking mid-sentence and freezes in the doorway. Peter's eyes widen.

"How was school?" Tony grins.

"Is—Is that R2D2?!" Peter stutters.

"Take a closer look, Pete."

Peter pushes off his backpack and sprints over to the droid, which beeps at him. Peter squeals and then makes a beeping sound back.

Grinning, he notices something written on the side. An autograph. Peter's grin falls and he turns to Tony. "Mr—Mr. Stark? Is—Is that really-?"

"Is that really the signature of your total fanboy crush of Han Solo? Oh, yeah. Totally."

Peter gasps and looks back at it frantically. "Oh my god. Really? For real? Is this—This is really—?"

"Yes, Peter." Tony rolls his eyes playfully. "Do you think of me as a fake?"

"No! No, sir. This is just—Mr. Stark, it's literally one of my biggest dreams to get Harrison Ford's signature, how did you know it's on my bucket list? It's right next to meeting—"

Tony then smiled at him. Peter's eyes widened comically. "No. No way."

Tony snorts. "Yep! You get to watch Star Wars with me, an absolute legend."

"Ye—Yeah, that's—Yep," Peter stutters.

"I'm just kidding, kid. He's in the other room," Tony points to a door and Peter gulps.

"He's really—That's—Wow," Peter stands completely still, his eyes wide.

"You gonna keep him waiting?"

Peter squeaks and scrambles to the door, disappearing behind it.

Tony smiles and sits down at the couch, watching the live feed.

Peter is awkwardly bouncing on his feet, and he fiddles with the cuffs of his jacket. He stutters out an introduction and then shakes THE Harrison Ford's hand. They sit down and then watch Star Wars.

Occasionally Peter will look up at the security camera with a panicked expression, and in one particular moment Harrison catches him mouthing lines from the movie and calls him out on it. Peter's face goes red with embarrassment and he keeps quiet the rest of the movie.

Then it's over, and Harrison gives Peter a quick 'Happy Birthday and also thanks for liking my character so much' and then Peter calmly responds with a short paragraph of 'Thanks you're amazing', even though he was internally screaming at the top of his lungs.

Harrison leaves and Peter sprints back to Tony, and then screams. Tony laughs.

"Alright Birthday Boy, ready for the next surprise?" Tony asks, scratching the top of R2D2's head. He beeps happily.

"There's MORE?"

"Yeah. We gotta work in the lab still. Thought I'd invite a friend," Tony shrugs.

"Yeah? Who'd you invite?" Peter asks with curious eyes, following Tony to the labs.

Tony opens the door and Bruce Banner looks up from his desk. Peter's eyes sparkle and he bolts over to shake his hand. "Mr. Banner, I can't tell you how much of a fan I am of—"

Bruce's eyes are slightly sad and he shakes Peter's hand. "Of the Hulk," he finishes. "I know. Sorry, but the green guy hasn't really been—"

"The Hulk?" Peter asks in confusion. He shakes his head. "No, of your papers regarding gamma radiation. They were really enlightening, I found them absolutely brilliant. It's amazing to meet the writer, I can't believe you're actually here—"

Tony looks fondly at his kid, and Bruce blinks in shock. "Um—Wait a second, you read my papers?"

Peter nods and blabbers on about the papers, leaving Bruce and Tony in amazement.

They shake off the shock of Peter's intelligence and begin working. Bruce compliments Peter on the brilliance of his webshooter technology, making his nerd heart explode.

They finish up in the lab and Peter turns to the door to leave. Tony stops him. "Peter, there's one last surprise."

"Mr. Stark, you really don't need to—"

"This one's not just me. Just..You'll see," Tony smiles, and takes his hand off the door. Peter gives him a look of confusion and Bruce trails behind him as he opens the door.

The compound is completely dark, making it impossible to see. Peter squints in the darkness.

All of the sudden it goes bright, and everyone in Peter's family stands in front of him. May, Ned, MJ, Tony, Rhodes, Happy and Pepper shout birthday wishes at him, and a banner is hung from the ceiling stating 'Happy Birthday Peter.'

Peter tears up, and they all start singing happy birthday. May and Tony carry a cake over to him. It has web designs all over it, and Peter smiles."What flavour is it?" He asks.

"Flies," Tony replies. Peter laughs and takes plastic fork.

"So, chocolate?"

"No, flies," Tony says seriously.

"YOLO," Peter shrugs and takes a bite of the cake. "It's actually not that bad."

Everybody watches in silence and then Tony speaks up. "I should have told you this before, but um..that's—that isn't the real cake, Peter. I made that as a joke—"

Peter turns bright red and puts the fork down. MJ takes the fork and takes a bite of the cake, only to spit it out right afterwards. Peter turns even more red and a few people laugh.

"Fascinating," Bruce comments. "That must be part of the spider bite effects—"

Peter hides his face, and Tony brings out the real cake. He makes a wish and blows out the flickering candles. 

Peter opened his presents, sitting on the couch with his whole family.Tony gave him one of his old MIT hoodies, a succulent plant from May, a collection of Harry Potter character's wands from MJ, Parks and Rec DVDs from Rhodey, a collection of T-Shirts with puns on them from Pepper, and a nice watch from Pepper.

But none of them mattered to Peter as much as their other gift was to him, which was being his family.

And when he was asked what he wished for, he didn't answer. But he knew when he went to sleep that night, that his only wish was that this time his family would stay a while.

And they did.

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