The Glitter Panic

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Requested by @KawaiiCutieCorn 

⚠️Trigger Warning For Panic Attacks⚠️

Peter turned around, waiting for Ned to show up at his locker like usual. It was his birthday, and he really was hoping that Ned skipped or was sick on his birthday.

When he finally saw Ned walking down the hall, he smiled and jogged over to him. The pencils made a noise as they bounced around in his backpack. Ned grinned and gave him a half-hug, which Peter accepted.

"Happy Birthday, dude." Ned says. Peter gives him a grateful smile. Ned pulls a card out of his backpack and hands it to him.

Peter sighs, smiling ever so slightly. "Ned, you didn't need to do this."

"Yeah, but I did anyway. So open it."

Peter opens it and some of the glitter that stuck to the inside of the card made it's way on to Peter's sweater. He doesn't notice and reads the card thoughtfully. "Aw, thank you! You're the best, Ned."

"No problem. Let's get to class." Ned says, walking to the direction of their first class, physics.

The day goes by and Peter still hasn't seen the glitter, or even given it any attention. When he does though, it hits him like a trainwreck, roping in memories that he'd much rather never remember.

He was leaving his last class, Ned by his side when he rubs his neck with the sleeve of his sweater. Peter feels an unusual scratchiness and pulls away his hand, looking at the small amount of black sparkles on his hand.

He blinks as his eyes go wide, suddenly seeing the sparkles on his hand as himself. Himself, turning to dust. He lets out a choked gasp, but nobody can hear him. It's just him, realizing that he's failed Mr. Stark.

Peter died for nothing. He turned to dust as an unhelpful kid that caused Mr. Stark trouble by running on to a spaceship he shouldn't have touched. He tried to take deep breaths, a small and fading part of his mind telling him he was freaking out for no reason.

He feels hands on his shoulders. Peter can't help but imagine them as Tony's, clutching his child as he fades away. Peter can't breathe. He holds the hands as tight as a lifeline, which isn't as much as usual. Peter's grip is weak, and his knees buckle, causing him to collapse on the floor.

He hyperventilates, looking up at the purple-orange sky. It was so beautiful. It's the most beautiful thing to haunt his nightmares. It was the thing he looked at to calm himself as he felt himself ripping apart and being put back together.

Peter shuts his eyes. He hates it. He hates the sky. Tears fall quickly, and their steaming on his skin. They make his neck all wet and sweaty, causing him discomfort.

He takes some more shuddering breaths, trying to get a grasp on reality. The one that doesn't change. The one that can't be altered or fooled. He feels a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. He concentrates and realizes that it's in a pattern.

Patterns were quickly one of Peter's favourite things since he got back from practically death. Patterns were his favourite because he could rely on them. They never changed. He could focus on them.

He faintly hears the words "breathe", "focus", and "beat", so Peter assumes naturally that Ned is asking him, very patiently, in fact, to breathe with the rhythm he's quite forcibly pressing in to his arm. He obliges.

A few minutes pass and Peter gains the courage to open his eyes, seeing Ned still sitting there, patiently rubbing his arm. Peter sits up with shaky hands.

"S-Sorry." Peter says, a dry and chalky throat constricting his words.

Ned frowns. "It's not your fault, Peter. If we're being honest, it's Than-"

"Don't say his name. He's modern-day Voldemort but worse on a dramatic scale." Peter says, standing up with shaky legs. Ned quickly stands up next to him and wraps an arm around his shoulder for support. Peter smiles at him weakly, but gratefully.

Ned helps him walk out to the car, where Happy walks up with an angry look on his face.

"Where were-Are you alright?" Happy asks, anger quickly turning to a mix of confusion and concern.

Peter nods and stumbles down the stairs by himself with shaking limbs. Happy looks at Ned with a raised eyebrow. Ned simply shrugs, not wanting to cause trouble.

"Bye, Pete. Happy Birthday." Ned calls, heading to walk home.

"Thanks, Ned." Peter calls weakly before getting in to the car.

Happy simply narrows his eyes but walks to the car, beginning to drive Peter home. He decided to skip the trip to the lab, looking at Peter's condition. Peter thanks Happy and walks out of the car carrying his backpack. Something was definitely up.

Happy called Tony to check on him. Just in case, right?

Peter walks into the apartment to see May reading on the couch. May looks up and smiles, but it falters she sees his condition.

"Are you okay?!" She asks, concerned. May walks over and does a check on his face, looking for bruises or blood.

Peter pulls away and nods. "I'm good, May. Just had a freak out right after the final bell rang. Ned helped me through it, it's fine."

May frowns but nods. "Well, I'm sorry you had a bad birthday, Peter. You deserve so much more then what the world has given to you."

Peter shrugs and puts his backpack down. His phone rings and he answers it, not looking at the contact.

"Peter Parker." Tony says simply.

"Hi, Tony." Peter greets, a drained tone in his speech.

"...Are you okay?" Tony asks, actual concern lacing his voice.

"Tired, little anxious, but yeah I'm fine." Peter says honestly. "Why?"

"You—You called me Tony? And what happened? Happy told me to check on you." Tony sounds thoroughly confused.

"Oh, I didn't notice, sorry. Nothing happened, I just had a freak out with glitter earlier today. Everything's fine now." Peter yawns.

"Okay. Get some sleep, will you?" Tony speaks, still sounding concerned. "And, Peter?"


"Happy Birthday, kid."

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