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a/n: late uploads go brrr

"I—" Peter looks down at the knife going through his stomach. He sighs with disappointment. "Sir, I think you've impaled me. I gotta say, I don't appreciate it."

"Shut up," the guy spits out. "Shut your mouth."

"If you know anything about me, you know I don't have the ability." Peter grins painfully. He kicks the attacker away. "My dad is gonna be pretty upset with you."

"Your dad?" The low-grade criminal scoffs. "And who is he?"

Behind the guy, there's a heavy clanging of metal, and the whirring of machinery. "Do you really think of me as a father, kid?"

"Nah," Peter laughs and then coughs, and he feels liquid in his mouth. Pulling up his mask, he's able to spit out the blood. "W-We should probably get this wrapped up, though."

"Wait, you were stabbed?"

"Maybe. Probably." Peter pauses. "Yeah. I was."

The criminal, now recovering from the shock of both Iron Man and Spider-Man taking control of the fight. He was no longer the one with the fight in his hands, so he did the best thing he could think of.

He broke out into a run, dropping the knife with a clatter against the pavement in an attempt to get away scot-free.

Peter quickly shoots a web at the guy and yanks him backwards. The knife in his stomach twists at the action, and he hisses in pain.

"Ouch," Peter shudders, his hands go to grab the wound instinctively, but they halt because of the knife. He quickly shoots another web at the guy to stick him to the wall.

Tony rushes forward to Peter. "FRIDAY, call the police to arrest the mugger. Get Doctor Cho ready for a code blue, the kid's gotten himself impaled."

"It wasn't technically my fault," Peter defends weakly. "I could've handled it, too."

"I know, kid. You're strong, you don't have to prove it. Let's just keep you breathing, alright? Good deal?"

"Good deal," Peter agrees.


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