Lovesick Harmonies & Dad Advice

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"Ms. Potts, there is somebody located on the roof. Shall I call Tony Stark?"

Pepper shrugged. "No, it's probably Peter. I'll go talk to him."


Pepper gets up and walks to the elevator, pressing the button that takes her to the roof. She steps out and is greeted by something unexpected.

Peter, on the roof in normal clothes. Holding a guitar and singing softly.

"I think the universe is on my side. Heaven and Earth have finally aligned," Peter sings. "Days are good, and that's the way it should be."

Pepper steps back, thinking she's overstepping her boundaries by being her. However, she's also intrigued. Pepper decides to lean against the elevator, listening intently.

"You sprinkle stardust on my pillowcase, it's like a moon beam brushed across my face," Peter strums the guitar, singing completely in key. "Nights are good, and that's the way it should should be."

Pepper smiles at the lyrics. It's a sweet song. She wonders who it's for. Who is Peter crushing on?

"You make me sing ooh, lalala... You make a guy go ooh, I'm in love, love.." Peter sings, smiling brightly. "Did you see that shooting star tonight? Were you dazzled by the same constellation? Did you and Jupiter conspire to get me? I think you and the moon and Neptune got it right.."

Pepper blinks slowly and looks at the sky. When she first fell in love with Tony, she would look at the stars a lot. This song was kind of perfect for them.

"Because now I'm shining bright, so bright... bright, so bright!" Peter sings a little louder and adds a curl at the ends of the note. Pepper claps and Peter swings around with a horrified look on his face.

"P-Pepper!" He squeaks. "I.. I was just- I mean-"

Pepper smiles. "You sing really well, Peter. That was such a cute song!" Peter blushes. "...May I ask who it's about?"

Peter's blush increases and he hides behinds his guitar. He mumbles something incoherent.

"What was that?" Pepper asks, smiling cheekily.

"Just this girl, Pepper. It's not really important." Peter says softly.

"What were you doing on the Compound's roof?"

"Um," Peter starts nervously. "I kind of-I wanted to-I needed to ask Mr. Stark for some advice because you see, I don't really have a dad to ask for-Uh, well, you see-"

Pepper laughs slightly. "I get it, Peter. Don't hurt yourself." Peter gives her a grateful smile. Pepper holds her arms out and Peter puts his guitar down and hugs her. "He's in the labs." She whispers. Peter nods and gets up, bringing his guitar with him.

He gets in the elevator leaving Pepper on the roof, smiling pleasantly at the stars.

When Peter gets to the lab, he hides his guitar quickly and knocks on the door. There isn't any noise, so Peter opens it and walks in. Tony is sleeping with his head in a desk.

"Mr. Stark?" He asks. Tony jerks up and holds his hand out, even though he isn't wearing a suit. 

"IT'S JUST ME!" Peter squeaks out. The murderous look in Tony's eyes is replaced with concern.

"P-Peter? What are you doing here?" He asks, yawning.

"I... Well, you see-I wanted-I needed..." Peter takes a deep breath, and basically shouts. "CAN I HAVE SOME ADVICE."

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