Happy Holidays

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(TW for Christmas? That can be a trigger sometimes. I hope everyone is having a good winter break:)

Christmas was an interesting subject for the Parker family.

Peter, for one, never particularly liked the holiday. He didn't have big family gatherings, or a beautiful tree. He had holiday parties, and he had gatherings at May's work, but other than that he wasn't social in any ways.

Although he could think for hours about how upsetting the 'big family gathering' part is when it doesn't apply to him, he instead just thinks about what he does partake in during the holidays.

He keeps to himself, while keeping his friends, May, and the Stark family close. He celebrates with them, and it feels like everything will be alright for a day or two.

This seemed to be all he needed this year. After all, there was a lot to be celebrated. Number one being that Tony Stark was alive, because Peter wouldn't be able to handle another Christmas after a family member gone.

On top of that, Peter took down yet another bad guy and fought many legal battles, somehow coming out with his identity still secret.

So, yeah. One could say that there were many things that Peter Parker could celebrate.

He arrived to Tony's cabin the midday of Christmas Eve with May at his side, and were welcomed in with hugs and warm smiles. The adults, complete with Rhodes and Happy, all travelled to the Kitchen to help cook. Meanwhile, Peter sat and played with Morgan.

Things were peaceful. Happiness seemed to stretch throughout the house. Despite everything that had happened in the past decade, quite frankly, things were finally okay. Truly, fine.

Peter was moving a princess doll around the floor as if she were moving, talking with Morgan's doll as well. Christmas music played softly throughout the house. The air had an unexplainable glow, but Peter wouldn't change it for the world.

They eat together as a family. A diverse family, at that. People with all different last names and stories stretched around the table. Four families joined as one, with no second thoughts of any sort.

It suddenly washes over Peter. This is his first family gathering. This is his family.

His heart swells and he starts crying there at the table, burying his hands in his face in embarrassment. His face flushed red but he can't seem to stop the tears.

Tony, as usual, notices first, and is quick to put a hand on the kid's shoulder. "Pete? Hey, you alright? What happened?"

That gets everybody else's attention, and his family is looking in his direction now. It's strange, really.

Peter feels as though he should be a lot more embarrassed than he is. Or maybe, he should feel guilty about crying. Tony's voice is in his head telling him to not be guilty almost instantly at that thought, so he effectively just pushes it away.

Everybody is trying to calm him down. They're giving him space, other than Tony, who is running a hand through his hair to steady him.

Somehow this makes the tears flow more. The thought of everybody in this new family, knowing exactly how to handle spontaneous crying moments, and just caring about if he's okay. To have more than just May. It really shocks him, leaving him just to cry at the sudden understanding of the support he has if he ever falls.

"I love you guys," Peter manages to croak out. He lets out a wet laugh and keeps his face buried, his arms now getting damp with tears.

There's a collective "aww" from the table, everyone now rushing to reassure Peter that they love him too, and that they'll always support him.

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