2. Sixteen

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"She's turning sixteen."

Gracie hadn't stopped talking the entire car ride there, babbling on in the back seat of their parent's car. She's turning sixteen. Why this information was important? It wasn't. Gracie seemed happy and Awsten didn't want to see her any other way; she deserved the world, but this sick little twisted world certainly did not deserve her.

The car that was being driven by the minor's father pulled into the rocky driveway that was attached to Sarah's house, the car door from Gracie's side opening before the car was completely at a stop, a cold breeze wafting through the vehicle that made Awsten's pale skin prick. He had his earphones in his ears playing music as loud as he could get it without his parents being able to hear it, which was much too quiet in his opinion, however, it was better than nothing. This was his least favourite thing to do; having to bring himself to pause his music and come back in touch with reality.

Walking behind his sister, Awsten hesitantly entered the house, being greeted with too many smiles and a faint smell of sour strawberries, completely overpowered by scents of artificial cinnamon candles and cooked meat, making him feel absolutely sick to his stomach. He hated sweet things, and he had been a vegetarian for a long time. Before any thoughts could filter inside the blonde boy's head, he was encased in a hug from Sarah's mother, immediately wriggling out before his claustrophobia caused him to have an anxiety attack. Part of him was grateful that she didn't seem to realise that he had shaken from her embrace, but the other knew that this meant she would probably try to hug him again later.

Gracie was already gone, down the hall and into her friend's room, leaving Awsten alone with his nightmarish parents and Sarah's overly-affectionate mother, who was now being joined by her husband, who had just been cooking. Questions filled the room, he understood that everyone was just being polite, but Awsten could never find the line between being polite and being unnecessarily annoying. How old are you? Nineteen, as of last month. What are you doing with your life? Music. followed by a laugh by his father, "He's only kidding, he knows that's not a valid career choice."

Not a valid career choice.

Who was Awsten kidding? Playing music was never going to work out for him, but he had to hold onto hope seeing as though nowhere would ever hire him.

He hoped that they would start eating soon, the part of the night that he was absolutely dreading, but it meant that hopefully the small talk would stop and Awsten could escape from this situation soon.

Almost as if his 'prayer' that was much more of just a thought based off of circumstances was answered, Sarah's father, who still had not introduced himself, came inside with plates of red and white meat that made Awsten crave his bedroom more than he previously did, this was going to be a long night.

"Girls! Dinner is on the table!" The pair, who were both sixteen now, happily bounded out to the table, situating themselves at the end of the table together, leaving Awsten to be stuck between both of his parents. Perhaps Awsten shouldn't hate his parents that much, they did offer him food that he never ate and let him live in the house that was practically paid off by the money left in his grandparent's wills. Awsten was pretty sure his mother was thrilled that her parents were dead once she saw what had been left to her name on that will.

And it commenced, the seven of them around the table, six of them eating and participating in conversation while Awsten stared down at his empty plate, hoping to whatever force that controlled the universe that nobody would ask questions. You know they will, right? And everyone will hate you almost as much as you do! It was official, Awsten's mind hated him.

"That ring is absolutely gorgeous!" Awsten heard his mother say, directed at Sarah. Of course she thought it was nice, it was a large stone, he couldn't quite figure out what colour, and it was embedded with diamonds. It looked expensive.

"Thank you," Sarah genuinely smiled back. "Geoff got it for me, for my birthday!"

That was right, Sarah had a brother. A brother who was currently not at this table. "Where is he?" Awsten's voice cracked, these were the first words he'd spoken in the last hour.

"I wouldn't know," she responded. "Probably in his room, or something." Awsten chuckled sarcastically to himself. He had to be here, the brother of Sarah's best friend, and not even her own biological brother did. Fucking bullshit.

"Awsten, honey, why are you not eating?" This was Sarah's mother, Rachel.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Wigington, I'm just not very hungry."

"He doesn't eat meat." Gracie butted in. Great.

"Oh, dear! Let me get you something else, I'm sorry." She began to get out of her seat but Awsten stopped her.

"No no, it's okay. Seriously, I ate before I got here," lies. "and I'm really not very hungry." lies. He tried to sound genuine, but he couldn't help the fact that he was constantly feeling empty.

Eventually everyone finished their second or third plate of food that was making Awsten want to gag, the plates were being cleared off the table and replaced with a big, decorative cake with "happy birthday" scrawled across the top. Of course.

Meat and sweets.

He sighed. The lights went out and happy birthday began to get sung by the candle light. Awsten didn't sing until Gracie glared at him, in which he began to just inaudibly mouth the words.

The lights came on, the candles went out, the typical 'what did you wish for?' And 'I can't tell you' went around the room. "Do you want some cake, Awsten, honey?"

Call me honey one more time, I dare you. I am not sweet and I will prove it to you if I have to.

"Can I please use the bathroom?"

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