51. Sovereignty

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"I swear to god, if you smoke my cigarettes... I will probably end up killing you."

Awsten and Geoff were both laying on their backs on younger boy's bed, on top of the messy white sheets, looking up at the ceiling. They were fairly close, but they weren't touching each other at all.

"Do you have another one?" Awsten wanted to feel the burning sensation again. He needed it. He didn't want to consider it to be an addiction, but he was smart enough to know that it definitely was.

"Yes, but you only smoked, like, an hour ago." He laughed when he looked at Awsten who was death staring him from his previous comment. "Later. I'm supervising you, remember? You have to listen to me, I'm in charge. I'm the one who has the cigarettes, anyway."

Awsten sighed unhappily but didn't complain any further, Geoff had power over him now. "Surely, there's got to be something else I can do for another cigarette, right? I'll give you a blowjob if I have to." Awsten was being completely serious, frowning when he heard Geoff laugh to himself.

"First of all, you make that sound like a chore. And yes, there is one thing that you can do for a cigarette." Geoff couldn't stop smiling to himself even though he wanted to look completely serious as Awsten perked up at his words, almost excitedly, desperately. "You can fucking wait, like I told you to."

"That's not fair-"

"Don't complain or you won't get another one today." Geoff cut the blonde's sentence off, he was still smiling, humoured by the younger boy's silent tantrum. "How long can I stay for, anyway? What time will your family be getting home?"

Awsten wasn't exactly impressed by Geoff changing the topic but he really couldn't afford to annoy him today, even if it was playful discipline. It wasn't to him, taking his cigarettes was just criminal.

"They said that they'd be home by tomorrow morning, you could stay the night if you wanted to." Awsten processed what he had just said to the older boy and started to get excited. "It will be fun, we can hide out in here and watch movies and make out!"

"Awsten... I'd love to, but I just can't."

"Why?" Awsten rolled onto his side to face Geoff properly, pouting. "I'm sad, Geoff. You have to stay here and make me not sad."

"I have work early in the morning. I'd have to cancel my shift," he pushed some of his hair out of his face, it was still way too short in Awsten's opinion. "Plus, my car is still here. Your parents would see it."

"Then cancel your shift? And park your car in the garage, next to mine. They don't go down there. Come on, Geoff. I don't want you to leave."

"What about spare clothes?" Awsten rolled his eyes at Geoff's protests, he always found an excuse. "I mean, I'm pretty sure that your clothes certainly will not fit me."

"Well, you won't need spare clothes if you just keep these clean," Awsten tangled his hands in Geoff's shirt, tugging on it gently. "Why would you want to wear clothes when you could just... not? You're prettier when you're naked, anyway."

"Ooh, someone's horny today," Geoff laughed as he mocked the younger boy, Awsten wasn't happy about it.

"No, I'm not," he whined, still firmly clutching onto Geoff's loose T-shirt. "I don't even wanna fuck, my ass still hurts. Just want cuddles." He rested his head down on Geoff's stomach, it was warm. "You have to give me cuddles or I will be sad."

"Okay, okay. Fine. Just for a little bit, though. Okay? No promises that I'll be staying the night, though. Don't get too greedy." The older boy wrapped one of his arms around Awsten who was laying on his stomach with his hands tangled in his shirt, frowning when Awsten pushed his arm away. "What is it this time?"

"Take your shirt off. I want to cuddle you with your shirt off." Awsten let go of Geoff's shirt and ran his hands up and across the skin of the older boy's stomach, he just wanted skin contact. "Please?"

"You're being very needy today," Geoff smiled while pulling his shirt off, it felt good being needed. He gently placed his arm back around Awsten who had immediately climbed on top of the older boy and was laying on his stomach, taking his own shirt off so that he could feel Geoff's warm skin against his own.

Awsten bit down on his bottom lip as he looked up at Geoff, admiring everything about him, trying to hold back the smile that he could feel about to expose his admiration, all while tracing small circles into Geoff's bare chest with his fingertips.

"Bite your lip again and I'll just have to fuck you right here, right now."

"Was that a threat or a promise?" Awsten teased while giving Geoff a playful shove in the shoulder, deliberately biting down on his lip once again.

"I thought you said that you were still way too sore?"

"We can compromise."

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