97. Spark

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The first thing that he'd do every time when he woke, most likely based on his instincts and what they were telling him to do, was to lean over and touch Awsten, hold Awsten, make any sort of physical contact to the boy if his subconscious, while he was sleeping, had not already done so, to give him affection, to give him love, to give him security and comfort and any other little spark of pink that he could possibly create for him.

But it was different this time, since when he woke up facing the wall, facing away from the void where the boy should have been, he wasn't expecting to turn around and find nothingness in the bed next to him. It wasn't as if they were even allowed to be staying in the same bed together, the rules had not changed, but for the last week or so, the two boys had found themselves not wanting to let the other go, resulting in the sleeping next to each other.

So, he figured that was all that had happened, that Awsten had moved up into the guest bedroom for the remainder of the night, perhaps on the request of his mother, or maybe just because he felt like being alone, which was okay, too. It wasn't unusual for his mother to get up during the night, so the idea of her busting the two of the boys being in the same room together was the most logical and likely situation out of anything that he could think up, so he figured that there was not much use in worrying.

The worry, however, did set in once he heard the gentle hum of a car motor grow nearer, and then shut off completely; followed by the movement of the entrance door to the house, and then a light going on inside. What was unlikely was for someone to be leaving the house at barely four in the morning, and that was what pulled him out of bed to make his way from his bedroom up to the main space of the house, where he found his mother reading something on her phone, sat on the couch in the living room.

"Ma?" he questioned as he slowly walked over to her, his body still trying to maintain its state of sleep while his eyes adjusted to the light, keeping him in a constantly dazed state of feeling groggy and drunk. "Everything okay?"

She hadn't noticed his presence until his voice had cut through the room, causing a sudden disruption of her insignificant focus, not being applied to anything important, a soft smile prying on her features as a reassurance to her son. "Of course, Geoffrey. What are you doing up at this hour? You should be sleeping," she spoke worriedly as if losing a little bit of sleep was going to be the most harmful component of their current situation, not like he had any idea that it wasn't.

"I could say the same about you," he mumbled in defence and went to sit next to her, his mind wandering to the reason as to why he even made himself get out of bed in the first place, cutting off any other channel of thought in his head. "Where's Aws? He's in the guest room?" It wasn't like the younger boy to leave, but he also knew that as soon as he was asked to do something then he would, no questions asked. He had an inability to make decisions for himself, and once someone made one for him, he would accept it.

"He was ready," she said softly, knowing how attached that Geoff was to him, knowing that it would be hard for him to reason with knowing that his boyfriend was no longer staying here. She thought it was sweet, honestly, that they seemed so in love, but the boy had made a choice, and that was nobody else's responsibility to change. He was the only one to know what he wanted. "To go back home. He was ready, so I let him go."

He didn't know what the appropriate response to that was, but it was fairly impractical to react the way he did. Everything stopped for more than half of a moment, leaving him feeling paralytic; his breathing hitched and the nervous fiddling of his fingers ceased, all of the movement that had been endured just a second ago, now fueling his overactive brain. All he could think about was blood, Awsten's blood, and his tears and his trauma and his bones breaking apart. He couldn't imagine anything else. He couldn't bring his dry mouth to form words either.

"Y-You... fucking what?"

"Language, Geoff," she snapped quickly, a look of frustration taking over her, anger and worry taking over him. "He asked. You need to stop acting like he's yours, okay? He can choose for himself, he doesn't need to be babied, constantly. He asked me to."

"And you listened to him?" he practically spat onto the end of her sentence, gripping at his hair as he tried to figure out what to do over the sound of his racing heart. "O-Okay- uh," he sighed frustratedly and cursed himself out before standing up quickly to release his sudden burst of nerves. "I'm gonna go get him."

She wanted to stop him, but he was too far gone. Awsten wasn't his, but maybe she needed to let him act like he was.

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