19. Surreptitious

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Awsten couldn't bear the silence any longer so he decided to break it. "Can we just, like... forget that anything ever happened?"

"Do you want to?"

"I can if you need me to."

"That's not what I asked." They were on opposite sides of the bedroom, but Geoff finally looked at him again, he didn't appear to be mad although Awsten couldn't read his expression. "Do you wish I hadn't kissed you?"

Awsten stood silently inside Geoff's door as he fiddled uncomfortably with his fingers and hesitated, staring at the ground to try to avoid having to make eye contact again. "No."

"What was that?" He knew that Geoff had heard him, and he felt him walk over to stand in front of him.

Awsten shifted his eyes up to meet Geoff's. "I'm glad that we kissed."


He felt himself get slammed into the wall behind him hastily as Geoff forcefully urged their lips back together, and he immediately melted into the solid wall as he kissed back desperately.

Awsten got chills as Geoff's cold hand rested on the side of his sensitive neck, and he slid his hands to Geoff's back and pulled him closer, attempting to close any sort of gap that remained between them. He was nowhere near strong enough to pull Geoff into him, but the older boy got the hint and pushed his body into Awsten's, causing a faint moan to escape from his mouth as Geoff broke away from the kiss.

Awsten felt another shudder flood his body when he felt Geoff's soft lips warmly come into contact with his throat, lining kisses gently up to his jaw, before touching to his own mouth once again.

Geoff traced his hands lightly over Awsten's stomach and down to behind his thighs, lifting the boy up and carrying him over to the bed, managing to roughly push him down onto it without disconnecting their lips.

Awsten liked how dominant Geoff was, he didn't think that he'd be able to handle being the dominating one. Sure, he'd gone as far as having sex with girls before, but he didn't feel anything for them like he did right now; mainly because they were girls. That's why he was feeling so intimidated and more insecure, he'd never done anything intimate with another boy before, and he actually happened to really like Geoff.

He worked his fingers into Geoff's long hair as he pressed their mouths together with more pressure, he hadn't kissed someone in a long time; he'd never wanted to kiss someone this desperately. He could feel his pulse through his rib cage, he was almost certain that Geoff could hear how quick it was through the fabric of the loose clothing he was wearing, considering how close they were.

Geoff gently slid one of his hands up the front of Awsten's shirt, but the boy immediately flinched and pushed it back down forcibly, breaking the kiss apart and pulling back, startled.

"Did I hurt you?"

The older of the two sounded genuinely worried, although they were both fairly breathless. Awsten just shook his head no in response, still a little shaken as he tried to calm himself by looking at the older boy's icy blue eyes, letting himself wallow in their soft gaze for a moment.

Geoff seemed to catch on fairly quick. "I think that your body is beautiful, Awsten," he hummed lowly, watching as a blush began to bleed back into Awsten's cheeks.

"You don't have to spare my feelings, I know what my body looks like."

He was once again propped up on one of his forearms to hold himself up and over the boy, and he used his free hand to push the long blonde strands of hair out of Awsten's worried heterochromic eyes, away from his flustered face. "I'm serious, Aws. Your body is fucking stunning."

Awsten wanted to believe him, the way that Geoff was looking at him made him trust that he should. He nodded slowly before shyly pulling the hem of his shirt up slightly, revealing that it was okay to explore his body.

The gesture allowed Geoff to slowly lift the bottom of the shirt, moving down to gently press a kiss just above the waistline of Awsten's jeans, before exposing a little more skin and lining kisses up and across the boy's hip, as he listened to him exhale audibly in pleasure.

Awsten began to worry as the boy kept exposing more of his skin, scared that maybe his insecurities were right, maybe his body was as unappealing as he had remembered. When he felt Geoff try to pull off his shirt, he felt a wave of panic and hesitated quickly, before finally complying and helping him pull off his shirt; immediately using hands to cover as much of his arms as he could.

Geoff softly pulled Awsten's hands away to prevent him from cradling himself in discomfort, before kissing down his arms, he wanted to kiss the fragile boy everywhere that he felt insecure about. Awsten lifted his head to place a gentle kiss on the neck of the boy above him, before pulling his shirt off as well, with a little bit of assistance.

Awsten started to feel uneasy about his own body as he admired Geoff's upper body, his muscles were firm and softly defined, unlike awsten, who barely even had any fundamental fat left, let alone any sort of muscle structure.

Geoff must have noticed Awsten tense up, because he changed the focus back to their lips by gently pressing his to the younger boy's, going much slower but deeper this time. They began to make out for a little while before Geoff pulled away to gasp for air, "My par-ents will be-home at nine." He managed out in between pants.

That gave them a little over an hour. Awsten decided that there wasn't enough time to be hesitant, so he slammed his mouth back into Geoff's, but Geoff immediately detached their lips and pushed Awsten firmly against the mattress.

"Calm down, babydoll."

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