59. Somewhere

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Awsten had still no idea where they were going. He wanted another cigarette but he didn't want to bother Geoff about it, especially if they were going to be stuck in a car together for at least another hour.

Awsten also had absolutely no money with him, he didn't even have his phone. Hell, he wasn't even wearing shoes. Geoff insisted that it would be okay that he payed for everything that they needed for the moment although the younger boy assumed that the amount of money that they actually had wouldn't last them long. They'd already just spent forty dollars on another tank of fuel.

Awsten was sat inside the car alone, Geoff had gone inside the gas station to pay for the fuel and get a few bits of food to last them while they were away, apparently they were going to be a fair drive from the city and they really couldn't afford to be driving so much.

Awsten sat and fiddled with his fingers while he waited for the older boy to come back, it still being dark outside as it was only past four in the morning. Eventually he heard the back door of the car unlatch and the sensor light in the car turn on, making the boy jump slightly. He turned around to see Geoff putting a few plastic bags filled with things onto the seats, as well as lots of bottles of filtered water. At least one of them was thinking.

"Thirsty?" Geoff offered, passing a bottle of water into the front of the car for Awsten to take, which he quickly did, immediately unscrewing the cap and downing half of the bottle. He hadn't realised how dehydrated he was until he'd thought about actually drinking something.

"Thanks," Awsten nodded, wiping his mouth off with the sleeve of his hoodie as Geoff shut the back door and got back into the drivers seat, starting up the car and putting his seatbelt on, signalling for the younger boy to do the same.

"Ready? We're more than half way already, I promise." Awsten just nodded. He was almost sad about that, he loved long drives. The more that Awsten thought about it though, the more excited he got to see where they were going. He knew that it wasn't going to be anything crazy, but it was Geoff's favourite place and the older boy had trusted Awsten enough to show him and share it with him. That's all that mattered. They were going somewhere better, somewhere that they could pretend.

The silent drive commenced again. They didn't put on the radio or play any sort of music, neither of the two boys wanted to interrupt the perfect warmth that the silence created. The same shade of pink.

He noticed Geoff yawn, ignoring it. He couldn't help but notice the three more times after the first that he was probably very exhausted, he'd only managed to sleep for a few hours just before, apparently. "I know you don't wanna ruin the surprise or anything but... do you wanna take a break and nap? Give me the address and I'll drive for a bit? I mean I don't have my license on me... fuck. Why don't we just pull over for a bit?"

"It's fine, Aws. Really." Geoff smiled softly as he continued to drive, the younger boy not arguing any further. Geoff was responsible, he trusted him to make the best decision. "Not that much longer, anyway. And don't get your hopes up, either. For all I know you'll hate it there. Probably will, it's outside."

"I doubt I'm going to hate it. Are you forgetting where we just came from?" Geoff's soft smile softened more at Awsten's words, although it looked emotionally pained. "-And if it does suck, then you'll just have to make out with me to make up for it and keep me distracted."

"Don't tempt me to take you somewhere awful, Knight." Awsten only smiled as their hands managed to find their way together over the centre console of the car, fingers intertwined.

"Can I ask you something... personal? Like, tell me if you don't wanna answer. I won't mind." Geoff nodded, unsure if Awsten was looking at him since he was looking at the road, giving the boy's hand a reassuring squeeze instead. "Aren't you supposed to be on house arrest? From like... you know... the attempt. Aren't you supposed to go to therapy, like, weekly or something?"

"Yeah, you don't need to be careful talking about it. It's okay." The older boy laughed sarcastically but warmly. It was sweet, though. "Apparently locking me in my house is supposed to help me, somehow. I think running away with my favourite person isn't such a bad idea either, though."

Awsten looked away out his window so that Geoff couldn't see the dark blush that glazed his cheeks every time that the older boy glanced into his mirrors. Awsten knew that Geoff kept stealing glances at him though. A tired, gay, boy who was driving one handed and not looking at the road, sounded safe. Not like the whole gay thing enhanced the danger in the situation, Awsten just liked to remind himself.

"It's okay for you to be upset with me about that still, too. I mean, it hasn't even been a week yet. It was stupid. But you know what? I think it was actually kind of good, in a way, because now I know that I'm not going to attempt again, it's not worth it. Maybe if I hadn't tried that night then I would have tried another, and maybe the circumstances on that night would be different and alter the consequences. Maybe if I didn't try that night, if I ever tried again, it would have worked. You know what I mean? I'm just glad it didn't."

"I'm glad that it didn't, either. And, Geoff? You're one of my favourite people, too."

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