18. Sunset

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The pair were laying close to each other on the grass in Geoff's backyard, staring up at the evening sky. The sun was setting, and the way that the rays of light from the sun were refracting through Awsten's eyes was gorgeous.

"The colours are pretty."

It has never really occurred to Awsten that Geoff wouldn't just know that he was colourblind, and he'd never actually gotten around to telling him. "I've never seen them..."

"What do you mean?"

He'd never really had to explain his colourblindness to anyone before, seeing as though the majority of people he knew had been in his life since he was born. "I guess- I mean I'm colourblind... like, bad. I can only see blue... I guess its why I like your eyes so much." He spoke quickly and stumbled over his sentences, he wasn't sure why he was so nervous; he was just worried that maybe Geoff would think that his lack of ability to see colour was a bad thing.

He rolled his head to the side to make eye contact with the older boy, who was smiling softly at him. "I never knew that... I guess its kind of cute."

Awsten could feel a warm rush of blood rise in his cheeks, he didn't mind though; and he refocused his gaze to the sky, away from Geoff's blue eyes that he had been falling for. "What colour is the sky?"

"It's pink, mostly. I guess it's... it's a little bit purple and orange, but mainly pink."

"Can you describe it to me... pink?"

Geoff hesitated for a small moment, how would you even describe a colour to somebody who couldn't see it? "Well, pink is soft. It's sort of... it reminds me of spring, when all of the flowers are about to open, and the smell of fresh pollen." He took another moment to think about anything else he could add to his description. "Most people say that yellow is the colour of happiness, but I guess that mine is pink. It takes me to places in my head that are happy."

Awsten closed his eyes and just imagined what pink felt like. He put together all of Geoff's words and imagined a perception of the colour, maybe he couldn't see it, but he wanted to feel it. "Are you feeling happy right now?"


The sun felt nice against his skin, warm, and it glowed off of him which made him feel pretty, even if he didn't think that he was. He couldn't resist and looked back over at Geoff, who had been staring at him, and Awsten got trapped in his eyes again; a completed ocean, and Awsten was drowning in it.

It seemed to happen so fast, but Geoff had rolled onto Awsten and had deeply forced their lips together, and as soon as he realised what was happening Geoff had already shifted away.

He stared into the soft icy blue eyes that were so close to his, startled, and before Geoff could mutter an apology to the boy, Awsten had grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him fully on top of his delicate body; reconnecting their lips eagerly. He moved his arm desperately to wrap around the back of Geoff's neck, finding a pace that satisfied both of them as their lips moved gently against each other in time.

In that moment, Awsten felt pink.

He never thought that he could ever comfortably be intimate like this with somebody he had met only a week ago, but Geoff was an exception. How pleased he was that Geoff was an exception.

The older boy was resting on his arm so he could hover over the younger, he probably would have crushed Awsten's fragile frame if he didn't. They only seemed to kiss for less than a minute, and Awsten audibly sighed with disappointment at the loss of touch when Geoff separated their lips. Had he done something wrong? He felt a shudder of insecurity flow through him when Geoff pulled himself off of Awsten and sat up, watching him rub his eyes with his hands, it almost looked like immediate regret.

The brunette stood up and offered Awsten a hand to get up, which he took, and they walked back inside in silence. He watched as Geoff pulled a cigarette and lighter from his jean pocket and lit it, opening the same window in the living room he had the last time that Awsten saw him smoke, taking a drag and exhaling the smoke out of the open window.

Geoff held the cigarette loosely between his teeth as he pulled a small metal object from his pocket, and began popping the safety pin opened and closed; he was anxious.

Awsten felt guilty as he sank down into the couch, the anxiety burning in his chest which made him feel sick. Neither of them had said anything in the past few minutes since they had kissed, the tension was awfully uncomfortable.

He watched for some sort of sign, some sort of indication about how Geoff was feeling. He watched as he stubbed the cigarette out on the windowsill once again, throwing the cigarette butt in the kitchen bin and walking down into the basement. Awsten wasn't sure whether he should follow or not, but he did; Geoff had been the one to kiss him, anyway.

He braced for the inevitable awkwardness that was about to follow.

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