65. Shatter

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"You're so fucking beautiful."

Geoff was obsessed. His lips moved softly underneath the small boy's ear, carefully kissing down to Awsten's neck, eventually reaching the material of the boy's hoodie. He wanted to see all of him, all of his skin, his entire body.

The older boy began to suck a dark mark into the small boy's pale throat, carefully fiddling with the bottom hem of Awsten's hoodie, suggesting that he wanted to take it off. Awsten didn't resist this time. He wanted it. He wanted Geoff to take care of him.

Awsten shivered as the cold air made contact with the very bottom of his stomach as Geoff carefully moved the material of the boy's hoodie up, revealing only a sliver of skin. He moved his mouth down and kissed the newly exposed skin immediately.

Awsten let out a loud breath, melting into the feeling of the older boy's lips against his stomach. Geoff slowly inched the material further up the small boy's body, trailing kisses as he went, kissing all of the skin that he could see. He kept going until the hoodie was being pulled over Awsten's head, his entire torso bare, a victim to the winter air.

"So fucking pretty," Geoff carefully hushed Awsten as his lips brushed against the boy's skin, distracted as he let his hands wander around the boy's stomach and lips on his neck. He just wanted to feel every inch of skin. He wanted to remember every tiny detail on Awsten's body as if it was some sort of map that he had to memorise. He wanted to preserve the feeling forever. He wanted to keep the spark that he felt whenever their skin touched in a small glass jar that he could carry with him everywhere for the rest of his life.

He closed his eyes to take in that cursed sound of Awsten's light gasps that were borderline moans, every time that Geoff's lips and hands came into contact with a new area of his body. The sound was constant.

The older boy lifted his eyes up to stare into Awsten's, in complete awe at how delicately the boy was put together. He was so perfect. He needed to be protected, he was fragile, Geoff had to be careful. He had to treat Awsten as if he was a rare China doll that would shatter if he even spoke too loudly. He was certainly rare, that part was accurate.

"Such a perfect little angel," Geoff praised as Awsten's eyes glistened under the moonlight. The older boy had already figured out that Awsten loved to be submissive, he wanted to give Awsten everything he wanted right now. He wanted to make him feel like the most important being on the planet. He was to Geoff, at least. "My perfect little angel. Isn't that right, baby?"

Awsten nodded quickly, gently grasping fistfuls of Geoff's shirt and tugging slightly. "Want off. It's not fair that I always take off mine first." Geoff moved his body to help the smaller boy tug off his own shirt, pulling his arms out of the very short sleeves.

Awsten's hands immediately started to travel down the older boy's stomach, Geoff only being able to watch the small boy in awe. Awsten gently squished Geoff's hips, smiling softly to himself as Geoff frowned. "Hey! I love chubby boys. They're my favourite."

"I am not chubby!" Geoff protested at Awsten's giggles but fuck, he was way too caught up in the sound to let anything else bother him. It was fairly safe to say that he was slowly falling, into what some may describe, as love.

Awsten was playing around with the button of his own jeans, hastily pulling them off of his legs and unbuttoning the older boy's jeans for him, as well. "Take them off, Geoff. I wanna see you, too. Let me see you."

So Geoff did; quickly kicking off his jeans before connecting his lips to the smaller boy's thighs, he hadn't been able to kiss here yet. He wanted to kiss every little bit of skin as it got exposed, he wasn't to taste it, he wanted to feel it.

"L-Look after me," Awsten hooked his fingers inside of his boxers and tugged them down, letting Geoff explore the rest of his body. "I want you to. Please?"

"Aws, sweetheart. I don't have a condom. I can't go that far with you tonight."

"I do!" Awsten quickly found his jeans and began digging through the pockets, pulling out a condom. "I-I only brought three up with us so we can't be having sex all the time-"

"-Oh, Awsie." Geoff smiled and took the condom, quickly pulling down his own boxers before rolling it on. "You're such a good little boy. So beautiful. Let me show you how good you are, yeah?"

Awsten nodded and held tightly onto the older boy's shoulders as Geoff spat onto his hand and rubbed it on the condom, carefully pushing in. It was only the night before that they'd had sex, Awsten not needing anymore prep.

Awsten let a small broken moan slip out as Geoff started to slowly move inside of him. They were both caught up in each other's bodies to pay attention to the rest of the world.
They were making love. They were falling in love.

Geoff made sure to be extra gentle. He wanted to make the younger boy feel good, he wanted to take care of him, he wanted to be gentle. He whispered little praises to Awsten as he slowly moved his hips, any trains of thought blocked out by Awsten's little gasps and moans. "Good boy, Angel. So, so good. So beautiful."

They made out slightly until they were both too exhausted to continue, Geoff pulling out and praising the small boy while pulling him into his chest, kissing him softly on the head. He was so beautiful.

Awsten couldn't exactly recall much that happened after he pulled on his boxers, immediately falling asleep in Geoff's arms.

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