47. Sick

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His eyes opened to a very dark room that was only lit up by the dim winter moonlight outside of his open window, the cold air pouring in.

His bedroom was freezing cold. It didn't make sense that he felt like he was on fire.

His body was only half awake as he ripped the bedsheets off of himself and lazily stumbled into his bathroom, trying to tug off Geoff's hoodie in the process. He quickly sunk to his knees over the toilet bowl, pushing his hair off of his face that was sticking to his forehead with sweat.

He vomited.

He didn't know why he was feeling so unwell all of a sudden, he hadn't done anything that could have caused this, it wasn't as if he could have eaten something bad. He probably had a fever, he just had to be patient while he sweated it out.

He was hit with another wave of nausea, trying to hold everything down, just while he attempted to give his throat a break from burning with stomach acid. It didn't work.

He closed his eyes while he vomited again, it stung his throat, the bad sort of burning, since it was just liquid. He hadn't eaten in the last day or two.

He groaned as he moved from kneeling to sitting on his bathroom floor, his back pressed up against the cold wall for support. He lazily sat there for a moment, debating with himself on whether or not he was going to be sick again; he didn't think he would, so he stayed where he was.

Regardless of how sick the boy felt, Awsten's body wouldn't stop begging and pleading for him to have a cigarette, he'd not smoked since he left his house for Geoff's, over a day ago. He quickly shook those thoughts and cravings away, no matter how badly he felt like he needed them, he knew that it wasn't a good idea, right now.

His hands were shaking, he'd not shaken this bad before except for when his anxiety attacks would take all of his control away from him. He could feel the cold air better on his bare chest, it was much cooler since he was sweating a lot.

No matter how weak and shaky Awsten was, he knew that he did not want to be stuck of his bathroom floor for however long this fever was going to be set in for. He managed to pull himself up by using the floor, wall and bathroom counter as he stumbled over to his shower, turning the water on, leaving it on cold.

He didn't want to wake anyone but he was in a lot of pain, his stomach was aching and he felt like he was on the verge of getting a migraine. He squinted tightly as he flicked on the harsh light in his ensuite, peeling his sweat-stained boxers off from his thin and shaky legs.

The first contact his skin made with the cold water sent a wave of shivers down Awsten's spine, it was very uncomfortable, way too cold. He persisted with the temperature and submerged his body under the stream, adjusting to the cold after only a few seconds. It felt really nice, now.

He wondered whether Gracie was sick, too; partially because he wanted to know if it was only him and partially because he really hoped she wasn't feeling as shitty as he did. She didn't deserve it.

He wallowed underneath the cold stream of water, grateful that the nauseating feeling was subsiding, as opposed to his headache, which he could feel puncturing the insides of his head.

He didn't keep track of how long he had stayed in the shower before he'd switched off the taps, not burning himself this time, his body was already doing that. He was too exhausted and weak to dry the water droplets off of his skin, instead just wrapping the towel around his shoulders and shuffling back into his bedroom, switching off his bathroom light and replacing it with a small one that sat on his desk.

He sat perched on the end of his bed while he waited for the water to evaporate off of his body, not expecting it to take very long since he was fairly sure he had a high temperature. He just wanted to go back to sleep, he just wanted everything to be okay.

He wished that Geoff was here to dry him off. Maybe to even had bathed him, too. He wished Geoff would have dressed him into a small amount of clothes so that he wouldn't overheat. He wished that the older boy would tuck him into bed and hum to him while he fell asleep, making sure he stayed hydrated and well rested while he fought off this fever.

But that's all they were. Hollow, empty wishes. He had to do it all by himself.

He'd thought about calling Geoff, there were two things stopping him. The first, he still had him blocked, which could easily be undone but he wasn't sure that he was ready yet. The second, when he'd switched on his phone, he'd seen that it was half-past three in the morning, he didn't think it was an appropriate time to be calling someone.

He was too fatigued to move but he'd stalled enough, forcing himself to stand up and put on some clean boxers, filling a glass with clean water from his bathroom sink and chugging it down before filling it again and taking it back to bed with him. He took two paracetamol pills to help with his headache, hoping it wasn't going to make him sick again.

After almost an hour of being kept awake by pain and nausea, he finally slipped into the lightest sleep possible.

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