40. Somnolent

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Awsten was exhausted. He was already almost half-asleep as he curled in on himself on top of Geoff's bed.

"Come on, baby, we have to get you cleaned up," Geoff started before earning himself a stern grunt in return from the tired boy, Awsten had never felt more comfortable in his life, despite the light pain that he was starting to feel from the interaction that he had just participated in.

He felt Geoff take a blanket from the end of the bed and lightly wrap it around Awsten's naked body before scooping him up, he would have protested but he didn't have enough energy, he couldn't even put any of his clothes on. Geoff carried him across the hallway and into the bathroom before sitting him down on the counter, adjusting the blanket to wrap around the boy's bare shoulders.

He was so tired that he could barely hold himself up, hazily watching as Geoff started to wet down a face towel and began to wipe over Awsten's stomach and legs. He flinched at the contact, "cold," he mumbled but he doubted that Geoff could understand what he had just said, considering how quiet his voice just was.

He tried to keep his eyes open while Geoff continued to wipe any come that was left on the boy's skin, being extra gentle as he wiped over Awsten's bruises before lightly kissing them. He finally got around to cleaning himself off, at least the older boy had bothered to put his jeans back on, unlike Awsten. "Come on, baby boy," Geoff hushed while washing off the towel with some more water, placing it down again before picking Awsten back up off of the counter, still wrapped in the blanket.

"Geoffy," Awsten mumbled into the boy's chest as he was carried, bridal-style, back into the older boy's bedroom. "Don't wanna... go home. Want cuddles," he whined, "sleepy."

"I know you are, sweetheart," Geoff carefully lay the boy back down on his bed before going over to his dresser and taking out spare boxers and a sweater, eventually helping Awsten change into them once he had realised that he wasn't going to do it himself. Geoff pulled the blankets on his bed over to cover the smaller boy, pushing Awsten's hair back off of his face before gently kissing him on the head. "Get some sleep, baby."

Awsten was already mostly asleep although he couldn't help but smile a little bit, he wasn't worried about his family; he'd just heard the bedroom door close which he assumed was Geoff going back upstairs to clear things up.

Geoff felt everyone staring at him as he slowly walked up the staircase, feeling everyone judging, feeling everyone knowing exactly what he'd just done to Awsten. Of course they weren't, everyone was too busy being caught up in chatter in the kitchen as Awsten's parents seemed just about ready to leave. It was past nine, anyway.

He quietly wandered into the kitchen until somebody acknowledged him being there, it was Awsten's dad. "Where is he? Is he okay?" He didn't sound genuinely worried, though, it sounded more as if he was getting annoyed.

"Yeah, he's okay," Geoff mumbled while playing with his fingers, desperately trying to find an excuse as to why Awsten had left the table and what had taken them both so long. "H-he, uh... had a panic attack and- and he- I helped him calm down a bit but... he was really, um... exhausted? He f-fell asleep in my room. Should I... wake him up? I mean, I-I don't mind, I can drive him home tomorrow... only if you want, I think that h-he should get some rest, though."

Nobody seemed to pay any attention to how nervous Geoff seemed, he felt so transparent, like everyone could see straight through him. He waited for a response, expecting some sort of remark to expose him along with it although he only got a small nod and shrug before Awsten's parents were calling out to Gracie to come out from Sarah's room, they were leaving.

Geoff hung around until their guests left, cautious to be extra polite because he knew that one of his mother's biggest pet-hates was people leaving the family table, especially when guests were over, he didn't want to push her any further.

He wished that he could have gone straight back to his bedroom to hold Awsten as they both fell asleep, instead of hanging around to say goodbye and agreeing when his parents asked him to 'stay out and spend some time with his family', which mainly consisted of him sitting in the living room with his family while they all went on their phones.

By the time that it had hit eleven, Sarah had already managed to convince her parents that she was tired and wanted to go to bed, so Geoff decided to do the same, yawning and saying goodnight. He wandered back downstairs before walking into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

He immediately noticed that his bedroom lights were all still on, it didn't seem to have bothered the boy that was very deeply asleep in his bed, though. Geoff took a lighter from his pocket and flicked it open, touching the flame to the wicks of his strawberry candles as they lit, turning off his other lights so that the only illumination in his bedroom was coming from the fire.

He bunched together his dirty clothes before taking them up to the laundry, luckily Awsten's were still clean so that he could wear them home in the morning. Geoff was also fairly tired by the time that he came back down to his room, crawling into the space next to Awsten on his bed even though he had told his parents that he would sleep on the floor, wrapping his arms around him gently, careful not to wake him.

He left his candles flickering softly as he fell asleep, cradling Awsten to his chest.

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