55. Stubbornness

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Awsten refused to move as he stayed curled up on the top of his bedsheets, despite Geoff telling him that he had to have a shower.

Geoff knew that Awsten got sleepy and shaky after sexual interactions, already having to clean up any mess that they'd made and now scoop the younger boy up, as well as carry him into the bathroom and sit him down on the counter before starting up the shower.

Awsten's eyes were half closed by this point as the older boy picked him back up off of the bathroom counter as well as a clean washcloth and carried him into the shower, the contact of the warm water to Awsten's skin almost immediately waking him up. "Put me down," he protested, obviously still unable to stand on his own.

Geoff smiled at Awsten's stubbornness but did as the smaller boy asked, letting him stand under the water but still holding onto his arms as support, Awsten's legs still shaking beneath his very light weight. "We need to get you cleaned up, baby."

Geoff let Awsten hold onto his bicep as to steady himself as the older boy used his free hand to take the washcloth and wet it down, carefully moving Awsten so that the boy was leaning against the wall mostly for support, giving him a bit more movement to clean the younger boy off.

"-'M sleepy, Geoff." Awsten yawned as he spoke, the older boy wiping the cloth gently across his skin, still cautious about any bruises that may have been left there. "Wanna sleep. Hurry."

"Oh, is someone feeling a bit bossy today?" Geoff laughed before pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Awsten's forehead, the boy slightly shorter than him. He continued to wipe Awsten down, making sure that the younger boy was clean before wiping himself off as well, Awsten clearly growing impatient. "You're acting as if showering with me is the worst thing that could possibly happen right now."

"When I could be sleeping, yeah." Awsten smiled before grabbing onto Geoff's arm again, standing under the flow of water as he pressed his cheek into Geoff's chest. "I like the sound of your heart."

"Yeah, because it's full of love right now."

Awsten pulled away, looking up at Geoff. "Ew. That's fucking disgusting. Did you just try to say something cute? I wanna vomit. You're gonna make me throw up everywhere." Awsten faked gagging in mockery at Geoff, the older boy turning off the water and playfully scooping him up, taking him back to the bedroom and throwing him onto the bed, both of them dripping water everywhere.

Awsten giggled as he thrashed around on the bed, trying to push Geoff away. "Stop! Get me a towel, asshole." Geoff only shoved him in the shoulder before going into the bathroom and getting two towels, wrapping one around his own waist, unfolding the other one to give to Awsten. He took it back into the room and couldn't resist playfully wrapping it around Awsten as he tackled him onto the bed so that he was laying down on his back instead of sitting on the edge.

Geoff held Awsten down as he locked the smaller boy's arms to the sides of his body, playfully kissing all over the boy's neck and chest as Awsten squirmed around laughing, trying to get out of Geoff's grip to push him away.

"Stop, Geoff! I'm too fucking tired for this shit!" Awsten felt Geoff let go of the grip on his biceps as the older boy kissed Awsten on the mouth instead this time, the younger boy not resisting, unlike all of their previous actions just now. It was quite the opposite, actually.

Awsten moved his hands to Geoff's shoulders as he kissed back, running his hands down to the boy's chest, confused as he felt the older boy smiling into the kiss. "Hm," Geoff laughed as he pulled away, running his thumb over Awsten's bottom lip. "That shut you up, didn't it?" Awsten rolled his eyes before shoving Geoff in the chest. Hard, at that.

"Alright, motherfucker. Get off me, I'm actually fucking tired." He squirmed out from underneath Geoff as the older boy stood up, wrapping his towel around his shoulders. "Fuck. My bed's all wet now." He sighed, lucky he was tired enough to fall asleep just about anywhere.

Geoff walked over to Awsten's built in wardrobe before opening it, water droplets still all over his back as the older boy made no effort to dry himself off.

"I thought you said that my clothes wouldn't fit you," Awsten teased from his position on the bed, wrapping the towel tighter around his shoulders since it was so cold. He yawned, his body was borderline shutting down.

"Haha." Geoff rarely used sarcasm, Awsten liked it. The older boy took got some boxers and sweatpants out of Awsten's wardrobe, as well as picking up his pink hoodie that he'd given the smaller boy a while back off the floor, throwing them all at Awsten. "I'm guessing you don't want to sleep naked," Geoff gestures towards the clothes that Awsten was now pulling on. "Wow, I don't even have to dress you this time!"

Geoff walked over to Awsten and ruffled the boy's hair, deciding that he'd mocked Awsten enough for one period of time, the younger boy clearly unimpressed. He took the wet towel that Awsten was using and threw it onto the floor, moving the sheets back on the boy's bed.

"Lie down," Geoff motioned to the space he'd just made in Awsten's bed, the younger boy doing so and curling up into that spot, hugging his pillow as he lay on it. Geoff draped the sheets back over Awsten's fragile body, kissing him softly on the head. "Get some sleep, sweetheart."

"Geoffy... Will you come lay with me? Wanna cuddle." Awsten's eyes were already closed, he really did sound tired.

"Of course." But before Geoff could even walk to the other side of the bed, Awsten was already asleep.

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