52. Shiftless

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We can compromise.

Awsten wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that yet, but he was pretty sure that he was beyond wanting just naked cuddles. Geoff was right, he was horny today.

"How will we compromise, huh?" Geoff was brushing his thumb over Awsten's shoulder blade, cradling the smaller boy who still had his head rested on the older boy's stomach.

Awsten perked up, lifting his head up so that he would be able to make eye contact with Geoff. "I'd literally let you fuck me as much as you wanted for a goddamn cigarette."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Geoff laughed a little bit to himself, he hadn't realised how addicted Awsten really was. "You realise that's basically prostitution, right?"

"Are you avoiding my suggestion? Half a cigarette. Just half. Please?" Awsten pouted dramatically and furrowed his eyebrows, trying to read Geoff's facial expression to see if the older boy looked as though he was going to give in. Awsten couldn't tell.

"I'll give you a cigarette, yeah. Just... I'm not going to fuck you because of it, it's not right." Geoff ran his hand through Awsten's soft blonde hair, taking another cigarette that was sitting loosely in his jean pocket, putting it in between the younger boy's teeth for him.

Awsten stayed laying on top of Geoff's chest as the older boy cupped his hand around the end of the cigarette and lit it for the smaller boy, neither of them worrying about the smell of tobacco and smoke because nobody ever came up here, and Awsten's family wasn't supposed to be home until early tomorrow morning, anyway.

Awsten inhaled a deep breath of smoke, closing his eyes before breathing it back out contently. "I kind of want you to, though, you know? The cigarette was...sort of an excuse, even though I really did fucking want it." Awsten took another drag, letting the chemicals settle in his lungs for a moment before exhaling them out again.

"Oh... um- are you sure? I don't wanna... hurt you, or anything." Geoff's cheeks grew darker, Awsten had learned that this meant that he was probably blushing.

"I'm sure, don't pretend like you didn't bring a condom, either. We both know that you were expecting this to happen." Awsten sighed with disappointment as his cigarette disintegrated to half its size, checking to see if Geoff was going to take it off of him. He didn't, so Awsten continued to smoke it.

Geoff only smiled as he took the said small foil wrapping from his pocket and threw it onto the bed, still tracing his fingers over Awsten's back with his other hand. "Only if you're sure."

"I'm sure." Awsten nearly stubbed out his cigarette onto the skin on his bare wrist out of habit, immediately realising that he couldn't do that right now, instead just placing the burnt out cigarette butt on his bedside table, snuggling back into Geoff's chest.

They lay like that for a little while, the room was dark and cold from the small amount of light that was passing through the younger boy's bedroom window. At least they were laying with each other to keep themselves warm. They were both together. They were both apathetic. They were both shiftless.

"What's your favourite position?" Awsten closed his eyes and listened to Geoff's heartbeat, ignoring the fact that it immediately sped up. "I feel like you're a 'face down, ass up' kind of person. I bet you like fucking your sluts into the mattress."

"W-What?" Awsten could only laugh at how shy it was that Geoff immediately became, admiring how awkward he was. He loved it. "Are you serious?"

"I'm serious," Awsten nodded against the older boy's chest. He listened to the fast pace of Geoff's heartbeat, Awsten knew that if he got uncomfortable then he would definitely stop the conversation, but there was no doubt in his mind that Geoff was definitely into this. "I kind of want to ride you. I've never tried it before."

"Well, I've never been ridden before, either." Awsten was glad that Geoff wasn't against their conversation, realising that they had never really spoken about intimate things, not even kinks. What if Geoff was vanilla? God, he hoped that Geoff wasn't vanilla. "Plus, I'd love to watch you pleasure yourself on my cock, anyway."

Awsten let out a low groan at Geoff's words, smiling loosely at the thought. Both of the boys were half-hard already, Awsten was just glad that nobody was home. He sat up next to Geoff who was still laying on his back, trailing his hands down the older boy's stomach, down to his jeans, carefully unhooking the black material from the button and undoing the zipper, tugging on Geoff's jeans to pull them down.

Geoff sat up slightly so that he was propped up on his elbow, supported by his forearm. He used his other hand to grasp the back of Awsten's neck and tug the smaller boy towards him, messily connecting their lips.

They both tasted like cigarettes, but somehow it always tasted better when their mouths were together.

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