16. Solitary

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The absence of Geoff immediately made Awsten feel lonely again. He was eating the fruit that Geoff had brought him sickeningly fast, he wasn't really sure when the last time he had eaten was.

He sucked on the Twizzlers, making the taste last. Awsten felt unclean, he desperately wanted to use the bathroom and wash his face; he contemplated whether it would be too risky to skip over through the door on the opposite side of the hallway. Geoff's bedroom and the main bathroom were the only two rooms on the basement floor, meaning that nobody really came down here. It was definitely way too risky, but he decided to do it, anyway.

he slipped into the bathroom and gently opened the faucet, it was barely running but he didn't want it to interfere with the main water pressure, and he began to wash his face. It didn't really take him too long before he had cleaned himself up and had successfully made it back into the bedroom.

He didn't want to take Geoff's sweater off. it was soft, like him, and it smelled like strawberries, also like him. There wasn't really enough room in Awsten's mind left for lies; he was crushing hard on Geoff. He was usually the kind of person to over-analyse people for large amounts of time before he even considered romantic feelings, but there was something about the boy that kept drawing Awsten back in.

Maybe it was the ability to see the blue that resided in his eyes. Maybe it was his voice that made Awsten feel soft all of the time, or the way that he was so stubborn when it came to his opinion on music, or the way he never failed to text with perfect punctuation. Maybe it was the way that Geoff had held Awsten earlier when he was upset, or the way that he cared for the delicate boy when he had needed it.

Awsten sighed softly as he was perched on the edge of the bed, again. He wasn't really sure what to do as he couldn't be making any noise; he also wanted to be careful not interfere with Geoff's bedroom as much as possible, it was his personal space and Awsten wanted to respect that.

It was Saturday, it had been a week since Awsten had come to this house for the first time, never wanting to come back; now, it was a place of comfort. No, the house wasn't, it was Geoff's bedroom that Awsten had fallen in love with. It was the cracking white paint and band posters that concealed it, the candles that Awsten had assumed to be red that were scattered, lit, across the space of the room.

Geoff had mentioned to Awsten that he would be home a little bit before half-past two, it seemed like forever away. Awsten remembered that his phone had died before getting up and plugging it into Geoff's charger cable by his desk. He lazily looked over the books that sat on his bookshelf before pulling out a small book with a plain cover; he wasn't fond of reading very much but it was a good way to kill time.

Geoff seemed pretty punk-rock. He also seemed like a proper nerd, and Awsten didn't think those two traits would work together very well. They worked well on Geoff, though.

He flicked through the pages for a while, it was a poetry book, some were small and others covered the spread of multiple pages, but Awsten liked the poems. He heard a light tap on Geoff's door. It was a knock he'd heard many times before, it was Gracie. She pushed open the door and immediately smiled when she saw Awsten laying on Geoff's bed in skinny jeans and a large sweater, reading poetry; she almost ran over to the bed and swallowed him in a hug.

He laughed but instinctively flinched roughly as she accidentally put pressure on one of the bruises that littered his body, she didn't know that it was there. "Are you okay?"

He trusted her, she deserved to know the kind of people that they lived with, even though she had some sort of an idea. He gently lifted the hem on Geoff's sweater to reveal the blemishes that coated his skin, and he heard her gasp. "Did I mention that dad likes to use me as his personal punching bag?" He chuckled to make light of the conversation. She hugged him quickly again, partially to comfort him but mainly to comfort her, as well as hide her eyes that had instinctively begun to water, being extra careful not to touch any of his bruises; they sat there together for a short while in silence, it was nice. "I just need to stay here for a little while longer, okay?"

She nodded in response, pulling herself away from Awsten, nearly crying. "I told Sarah I was just using the bathroom, I have to go." Awsten nodded and smiled reassuringly. "And I'm heading back home soon, it's going to be hard to pretend like I know nothing while I'm around him."

"Just don't bash his face in."

"I'll try not to."

He watched as his sister left the bedroom, closing the door back behind her again, and he returned to reading over the poems in the book that were littered with long words.

He stayed there reading for longer than he had planned to, he realised this when he refocused on the world and could hear the soft voice upstairs; Geoff was home, already.

He immediately got up to put the book back on its shelf, he felt his body drown in a wave of excitement, he hadn't realised how badly he had wanted to see him again; he was starting to get clingy.

He sat and stared at the door handle. He waited anxiously until he saw it turn, Geoff walking in, smiling. Awsten smiled back. He was holding another CD, Last Young Renegade.

Geoff placed the CD in Awsten's hand, "I got this from work, I want you to have it." This was when Awsten realised he had no idea where he was employed. "Just the local record store," Geoff concluded in answer to the question Awsten must have asked.

"Thank you." He placed the CD down, turning back to the boy who had just come in. "You're not going to change my opinion, though."

"I can try."

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