64. Scared

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They walked slowly back to the car along the banks of the river, Awsten cradling the multiple roses that the older boy had picked out for him in his hands.

The sun was setting, it was growing dark quickly. The walk back seemed much quicker than the walk there, seeing the car only after a few minutes. "I wanna put these in some water," Awsten looked down to the bright flowers that he was holding, careful as he stepped so that the petals didn't move too much and fall off.

"Okay, sweetheart. I'm sure we can do that." Geoff stood closely next to Awsten's side, wrapping his arm around the boy's waist as they walked up the slope to the car, the older boy pressing a small kiss to Awsten's cheekbone before letting go of him and opening the door to the front of the car, finding an empty plastic bottle for Awsten to put his flowers in.

"They won't fit," Awsten furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the small opening at the top of the bottle, back down to all of his flowers.

Geoff only nodded, "I know." He opened up the glove box in his car and took out a small pocket knife, flipping it open and cutting the bottle in half. "Now they will," he smiled, walking down to the river to put some water into the plastic bottle, taking it back to the smaller boy and placing it in the cup holder so that it wouldn't fall over, putting Awsten's roses in.

"Wanna cuddle." Awsten pulled on Geoff's arm once again, stubbornly making the older boy get into the back of the car again where they had slept, just to cuddle as Awsten had sternly requested once again. Geoff wasn't complaining. He would hold Awsten and never let him go ever again if he could. They lay there for hours, Awstens head rested on Geoff's shoulder, the older boy's arm around the smaller boy's waist. It was comfortable. It was peaceful.

And as the hours went by, the sky quickly grew darker and darker until it had hit midnight. Luckily, they had both slept in really late that day and neither were tired yet, meaning that Awsten could go on his nighttime walk like he had originally planned.

"You're coming with me," Awsten pulled on Geoff's arm as he tried to climb over the seats to open the door, feeling Geoff resist.

"Nuh-uh. No way. I am not getting out of this car. Too dark." Geoff looked outside, frowning when he heard Awsten laughing. "What?"

"You're afraid of the dark?" Awsten giggled, tugging on the older boy's arm more. "Come on, we're going."

"Fuck that. I'm telling you, Aws. There's monsters out there that want to eat my ass."

The younger boy still hadn't stopped laughing, Geoff wasn't exactly impressed by it. "Well, I'm going out there, regardless. As my boyfriend I think you should come with me to stop the 'monsters' from eating my ass. That's not their job."

Geoff sighed but hesitantly followed Awsten out of the car, the younger boy having calmed down from his laughing fit by this time. He stubbornly dragged the older boy further and further from the car, feeling him tense up as more distance came between the dim light from the inside of the vehicle and went further into the dark night, only lit up by the moon as they moved by the river.

It was about after a minute of walking by the edge of the river that Awsten started to laugh again. "I can't believe you're scared of the dark!" Geoff had had enough.

"Alright. Listen here, you little shit." The only thing that Geoff could focus on was Awsten's shrieks and giggles as the older boy tackled him down to the ground, gently laying him down on his back on the pebbly bank so that his fragile spine didn't get bruised.

He kissed Awsten, hard. And now Awsten's hands were tangled in the older boy's shirt as they slowly made out on the bank of the river. Geoff's head went fuzzy, he felt the same as he had the previous night; passionate. Lovestruck, almost.

Awsten was kissing Geoff back, just as needily, as if they needed each other as their own personal life support and if they stopped then it would become fatal. Up until Geoff ran his hand underneath Awsten's baggy sweater and the younger boy pulled away, pushing Geoff's hand back down again.

"D-Did I hurt you?" Geoff wasn't quite following along as to what was happening, he'd seen Awsten's body multiple times before and it had never been an issue. He sighed when Awsten shook his head, still unsure. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Are you okay?"

Awsten looked as if he was preparing himself mentally to cry. Geoff didn't understand. "J-Just... the dream."

And it all suddenly began to make sense again; Awsten was scared that he was being used for sex. "Oh, baby. That's okay. We don't have to." Geoff smiled and carefully brushed some hair out of Awsten's face, making sure that it was still okay to be touchy with him. The younger boy didn't seem to want Geoff to get off of him, so he didn't.

"It's not okay," Awsten shook his head as if it was going to muddle his thoughts and make him want to consent. The older boy could see it in his eyes, the guilt. "I-I don't wanna disappoint you. You're not asking for much from me and... I'm your boyfriend, this really shouldn't be something that bothers me-"

"-Hey," Geoff cut in before Awsten could trail any further down his thought cycle to the point where he couldn't pull himself out again. "Listen to me, okay? I never want you to feel like you have to have sex with me. Ever. I will never be upset with you if you don't feel comfortable or just don't want to. You're always gonna be my first priority, Aws. I care about you, not sex, okay?"

Awsten nodded, still holding onto the material of Geoff's shirt. The older boy wasn't even sure whether Awsten realised he was doing it or not, but he was calming down now. "O-Okay. Yeah. I want to, I do. I just needed a minute to think it over. I want to."

"Are you sure?" Geoff ran his fingers along awstens cheeks as he admired the boy. He was so fucking pretty, he could never do anything to hurt him, even if he had before. He would never hurt him. "You really don't have to. I mean it."

Awsten nodded, snaking his hands gently underneath Geoff's shirt to feel his skin. "I'm sure, I do want to... can we make out a bit more first?"

So they did, they lazily made out in the pitch black of the night, Geoff completely forgetting that he was afraid of the dark.

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