12. Singe

800 46 7

He stared at his phone. Geoff's phone number was displayed on the screen in his contacts, it had been for almost an hour.

The rest of the family was home, now, he could still hear his dad going off about Awsten leaving the house during the day when he knew that he wasn't allowed to. He could still hear the sobs that were escaping with each of his tiny breaths.

He had been fighting with himself for the hour that he'd been in his room, should I call him? The obvious answer would be yes, as Awsten was still laying, terrified, on the floor of his bedroom; knowing that the fresh cuts and bruises that littered his frame probably weren't going to be the last ones he got today.

He turned off his phone, completely powering it down so he could detach himself from the world for a while, so he wouldn't be tempted to make the phone call.

The last thing he wanted was for Geoff to get involved, the last thing he wanted was for him to get hurt or have his dad think that Awsten had been 'messing around' with some pretty boy.

Besides that, Geoff was just being polite when he told Awsten to call him. The blonde boy was just fragile, although Geoff probably didn't actually want to get dragged into this.

He stood up off of his floor, trembling slightly, as he tried to regain his balance and get feeling back in his left side in which he had been laying on; the least painful part of his torso, currently.

He managed to make his way over to the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom and start up his shower, making it colder than he usually would. He began to take off his clothing, carefully peeling his shirt off as it was glued to him with dried blood; his blood.

When the cold water hit Awsten, shivers were sent down his body and he was hit with an idea, something that he realised he was craving. He quickly turned off the cold knob completely and opened the flow of hot water onto his body. He let his skin burn under the water for some time, maybe it was ten seconds, maybe a minute; he was too focused on the pain that was spilling over his body to pay any attention, leaking into every cut before his reflexes forced him to turn off the water.

He sat in the bottom of his shower, almost laughing, destroying the only body he would ever have was so much fun. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to live with it for much longer.

His skin still burned as he stood to dry his frame, walking back into his bedroom to put on some fresh clothes. He noticed the streaks of dark that had soaked into his towel, realising that his wounds had opened again at some point in the last few minutes. He didn't want to leave his bedroom to go get bandages so he just put on a T-shirt and hoodie to hopefully soak up and cover all of the blood.

He crashed down on his bed and curled into himself, he doubted that he would get any more sleep since he had gotten rest the night before but slowly and surely, he dozed into a light sleep.

"Open this fucking door!" The pounding on Awsten's door was so constant that he barely ever paid any attention to it. He wished his father would stop, because one day he was going to break it down and blame it on Awsten for having it locked, and then he would get hit again.

He wasn't sure long how long it had been since he had laid down on his bed, but it was dark outside his window, now.

Hesitantly, he got up off of his bed, slipping his phone into his back pocket off of his bedside table and began to open the locks on his door, he wanted to seem tough even though he couldn't cover up the trembling that had already started at his legs.

The door was being pushed into him before he had time to step away once the third lock had been unlatched, leaving him in front of the man who was twice as strong as him and much taller.

He was hit into the wall with a loud crash, things were falling off shelves as he felt punches being thrown at his cheek over and over again. That's when he began to smell the liquor that poisoned his father's breath; he was awfully drunk.

"Gracie!" Awsten gasped, his father never hit him in front of his sister although she didn't come. She was out with Sarah.

He took each hit until he was on the floor again, his wounds being ripped open as the same boot as before hit him in his side. This time he felt himself start crying again because his salty tears stung the opening in his skin, tears diluting the blood and running with it down his face.

He didn't intend to, but he let out a muffled "why?" In between sobs. He didn't think his dad had heard it until he heard the light chuckles escaping from the man, who began to crouch down next to his bleeding son. "B-because I f-fucking want to."

His father was slurring his words together which gave Awsten a pretty clear indication as to how intoxicated he was. He used the wall to pull himself up to try to prevent his knees from buckling, and began to shakily stumble out of his door and down the staircase, shocked that he wasn't stopped by his father.

When he made it down the bottom of the stairs, he realised that his arm was wet from the blood that was soaking through the thick material of his hoodie. He felt sick, dizzy, like he was either going to vomit or pass out; and his mother was just staring at him in shock.

She was on the couch in the living room watching the television with a glass of wine and she already seemed to know what had happened to her son. "Don't come looking for me." He told her hoarsely, his throat hurt; and he stumbled back out of the front door of his house.

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