56. Stir

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Awsten began to stir as his body started to wake up again, gently rubbing at his eyes with his hands as they fluttered open.

Awsten's body barely even got the chance to process being awake before everything from the previous night immediately came rushing back to the small boy, Awsten disappointed that he couldn't feel Geoff in the space in the bed next to him. He was alone.

He also noticed that it must have been dark outside since his room was dark and cold as well, only being fairly lit up from any moonlight or street light that managed to come through his window. He looked at the digital clock that was sitting on his desk, reading two in the morning. He must have slept a long time, seeing as though it couldn't have been any later than six when Geoff had tucked him into bed.

He rolled over to look at his window, not disappointed at the sight. Geoff was standing by his window, shirtless. Awsten could faintly see the lines of the muscles on the boy's arms and back, he couldn't help smiling at the fact that the older boy had actually stayed.

Geoff must have heard Awsten stirring, turning around to see the younger boy smiling at him, he smiled back. "Hey, sleeping beauty," Geoff teased, leaning back on his arms on the windowsill, at least Awsten's window was closed so that the winter air couldn't come in.

"Stop looking at me," Awsten blushed as he threw the sheets over his head, Geoff could barely see Awsten anyway because of the dim lighting from outside.

"Feeling shy again, are we?" Geoff smiled, although Awsten couldn't see with his head under the sheets. "You certainly weren't last night, that's for sure." Geoff really did know how to get under Awsten's skin at the best time, the younger boy pulling the sheets down again to make a statement.

"Fuck you," Awsten scoffed, rubbing at his eyes again to try to wake himself up properly.

"You did," Geoff laughed, gesturing for Awsten to get up and come over  to him. "Are you gonna get up or what? I missed you."

Awsten groaned before kicking his legs out from underneath the sheets, groggily standing up as he gave himself a moment to balance himself, walking over to Geoff by the window once he did so. Awsten smiled lightly as Geoff pulled him into his chest, not letting go. "I didn't think that you'd stay once I fell asleep."

"Of course I did." Geoff let Awsten out of the hug, looking back out of the window for a bit. "I don't think that I could bring myself to leave, even if I wanted to- which I don't."

"Oh," Awsten blushed, something about that just made him feel so special, so wanted. "What did you even get up to? While I was asleep, I mean."

Geoff pulled Awsten back into his chest as subtly as he could, he just wanted to be close to the younger boy right now. "I lay with you for a little while. I fell asleep for an hour or two, you're cute when you sleep."

Awsten felt his cheeks heat up with another wave of blush, not being able to take all of the compliments and feelings of being wanted that were flooding him right now. "T-That's weird when you say it like that."

"No, it's not. Anyway, I just kinda looked around your room. I didn't even know you played guitar."

"I don't anymore."

"Oh." Geoff gently squeezed Awsten into his chest, he was so small.

"What's all the affection for?" Awsten giggled at how tightly Geoff was holding him, he felt safe. He felt secure.

"Well, I would want to apologise for all of the play fighting last night, right? I wouldn't want my boyfriend to be mad at me."

"Boyfriend?" Awsten smiled, his heart immediately fluttered.

"Oh- I... I didn't mean it like that... I-I don't know why I said that. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. Do you want to call me your boyfriend?"

"Really?" Geoff smiled loosely as he carefully combed his fingers through Awsten's long, blonde hair, letting his hand fall down the side of the boy's face, brushing his thumb across his cheekbone. "I-I mean... yeah. I do. Do you wanna be?"

"Of course I fucking do," Awsten rolled his eyes at Geoff's obliviousness, giggling softly as he stared up at him. "Can I kiss you?"

The older boy nodded, moving his hand from Awsten's cheek to the back of his neck, pulling the boy towards him, gently pressing their lips together. It was different this time. It was genuine.

Awsten smiled as he rested his hands on Geoff's bare waist, kissing him back just as carefully, the soft pale moonlight falling perfectly into the younger boy's dark bedroom.

Except his room kept growing brighter until they realised that it wasn't moonlight. They were headlights.

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