Chapter 1.

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Carly's POV

"Hey, get up. It's past 1," I heard Nikki say. I blinked my eyes open, Nikki was inches from my face. "Why the fuck are you so close to me?" I grumbled, lightly pushing him. "Dunno, get up." He said, pulling the covers off, I yelped. "Nikki, I'm wearing nothing, but my bra and underwear!" I exclaimed, reaching for the blanket back, he balled the blanket up and held it over his head, laughing. "God, I fucking hate you!" I whined. He only laughed more. "It's not like I haven't seen you naked before," he replied. "That's because you walked in on me!" I exclaimed. He laughed yet again, "oh yeah. I keep forgetting that part." He threw the blanket at me.

"Thank you! God," I mumbled the last part, covering back up. "Also, how the hell are you up before me?" I asked, tilting my head a little to the side. Nikki shrugged. "Don't know, just get up. We have a busy day ahead of us!" He called behind him, walking out of my room. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I walked over and looked in the mirror at my appearance. I made a face and tried my best to fix, what seems like, the huge knot on my head. That's what I get for sleeping with a ton of hairspray in my hair. I grabbed some black leggings and a plain gray sweater and new undergarments and headed towards the bathroom.

After showering, dressing, blow drying and brushing my hair, I walked out and threw my clothes in the dirty clothes pile in the hallway and walked out into the living room where Nikki is. He already has his signature puffy hair and he's dressed. "Why are we getting ready so early?" I said, walking over and grabbing my shoes. "Looking for people to join a band with me," he said, proudly. "Nikki, no offense, but you cannot play bass."  I replied. "I know that, girls don't care about that, though. They see a musician and just want to sleep with me." He said. I rolled my eyes. "You do realize that if you wanna be big you have to play the bass, right?" I asked, tying my shoes. He shrugged. "That comes later." He said.

I shook my head and got up and followed him out the door. "I don't even have my makeup on, asshole." I said. He chuckled. "You slept late," he replied. "I didn't know we were gonna go out at like 1:30 or I would have set an alarm!" I exclaimed. He laughed again. "Are you always annoyed with me?" He asked, looking down at me. "No, not always. Only days that end in Y," I said. "Haha, very funny." He replied, sarcastically.

We walked down the sunset strip and started to look at ads on bulletin boards. "See anything promising?" He asked me. "Why're you asking me?" I asked, looking up at him. "Because you're a musician, too." He said, meeting my gaze. I laughed. "Barely!" I said, he shook his head. "I hear you sing your songs all the damn time in your room, shut up." He said, pushing me with his arm and walking ahead of me. "Why are you just now telling me that you can hear me!" I yelled after him, running up to him. "Because it's not a bad sound." He said, smiling at me. I felt my cheeks heat up as he turned away from me and looked straight ahead. I put my hands on my cheeks to try to get it to go away. Weird, I don't normally blush around him.

After not getting anything good enough for Nikki, we decided to put an ad out and now we're back home waiting for some calls. Nikki is sitting on the couch reading over some songs he's already written. "Can I read them?" I asked, sitting next to him. He handed me the book with his songs in it. "The album isn't done yet," he said. I flipped through some, I skipped over "On With The Show", as Nikki already showed me that one. "Did you just write this one?" I asked, pointing to the page that has "Starry Eyes" on the top. "Oh, uhh, yeah." He said, taking the book back. "Who's it about?" I asked, poking his side, he chuckled. "Eh, nobody." He replied.

"Oh, c'mon. I wanna know who!" I said, smiling. "Honestly? You." He said. I raised my eyebrows. "Me? Really?" I asked. He nodded. "You've inspired a few songs," he started. "Like, tonight." He said. "When I took your virginity." He said, smiling like an idiot. "Oh, shut up!" I said, laughing. "You remember, don't you?" He asked. "Yes, it was my first time, of course I remember." I said.

Back when I was 16, I had just been heartbroken by a boy. I thought I meant something to him, so like I always do when I was upset, I ran crying over to Frank, I would walk to his house and knock on his bedroom window and he'd let me in, it happened so many times that he just left his window cracked so I could just come in. I climbed in his window that night, tears streaming down my face as I told him about everything that the boy did to me, I don't even remember what the boy did to me, all I remember is Frank making a joke so I'd laugh, our eyes connected and we kissed. One thing lead to another, and Frank ended up taking my virginity, he also gave me my first kiss. It was the most amazing night of my life.

I got broken from my thoughts when I heard Nikki, "Hey, Carly." He waves a hand in front of my face. I looked over at him. "Hm?" I hummed. "You spaced out on me," he said, chuckling. "Sorry, just thinking about that song." I said, Nikki made and "ah" face. "I think about that song a lot," he winked. "Oh, get the fuck out!" I said, laughing.

Thus begins the journey of how I started to realize I loved that man.

(A/N: New story! Whole new plot! I hope you enjoy, I will be updating this as frequently I did with my last story, so sorry for the spam in advance! Thank you for reading! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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