Chapter 9.

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Carly's POV

The next day, I walked up to mine and Nikki's apartment with Vince's fingers intertwined with mine. "Do you think he'll know?" I asked, looking at Vince. "I'm sure he won't, it'll be okay." He replied, smiling. Vince and I did a few lines before coming here, we haven't been to sleep at all. But, I can get some sleep tonight, it's not a big deal. I unlocked the door and walked in. "I'm home!" I called, putting my keys on the coffee table. Nikki and Tommy walked out from Nikki's room. "Where have you been?" Nikki asked. "I was at Vince's," I replied. "You could have called! I was worried sick!" Nikki exclaimed. "I'm sorry, I will next time." I said, brushing him off. I don't see the big deal.

Nikki walked up to me and looked at me intently. "What?" I asked, annoyed. "Come with me," he said, grabbing my free hand and taking me to his room, leaving Vince behind. He let me walk in first and he followed, shutting the door behind us. "What did you do?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You know what the fuck I mean, what drugs did you take?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Vince and I did some blow, it's not a big deal–" "I told you you're not allowed to!" He cut me off. "You're not my Dad! You're suppose to be my friend, best friend. Not a guardian!" I said. "I'm not 16 anymore, you don't need to protect me!" I added on. He shook his head. "Cocaine is dangerous, it's addictive." He said. "You do it, you do all kinds of drugs. I can, too." I replied.

I brushed past him and out of the room. Nikki followed. "We're not done here," he whispered, grabbing my arm. "Yes we are," I whispered and broke away from his grip and walked into my room, shutting the door behind me. I huffed and sat down on the edge of my bed. I heard knocking on my door. "Go away, Nikki." I called out. "It's not Nikki, it's Vince." He said. "Come in." I replied and the door opened up. He walked in and shut the door behind him. "Hey, everything alright?" He asked, sitting next to me on the bed. I shrugged. "Nikki knew, he looked at my face and he saw right away that I'm on blow." I replied. "He's pissed because he doesn't let me do drugs at all." I added on.

"You're not a little kid, you're allowed to do things like this, how old are you? I should have asked that last night, but." He laughed. I laughed a little. "I'm 21." I replied. "Ooh, me too." He replied. I smiled. "You're old enough to drink, you can make your own decisions." He said. I sighed. "Nikki is just really overprotective of me. He always has been since we were teens." I said.

"Hey, Carly." I heard a boys voice. I winced to myself as I recognize the voice. I slowly turned around and there he was. "H-Hey, Ricky." I replied. He walked up to me and shoved me into the lockers, I winced when my body came into contact with it. "I heard your parents arguing again last night, they were screaming." He started. "The cops came to take your Father away, right?" He said, shit eating grin plastered on his face. "Why does this matter?" I asked, embarrassed. My home life is hell, it's embarrassing to even talk about, let alone have someone from school know about it. "You're a freak, just like your Father." He said, pushing me up against the locker again. I felt tears brim my eyes. "Leave me alone," I said, quietly. "What was that, freak?" He asked, grabbing my hair and lifting my head up. "Ow, stop!" I cried. "HEY!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head and Frank was running over. "Oh, your little boyfriend is here to save the day." He chuckled. Frank went up to Ricky. "Let go of her fucking hair," he said, his jaw clenched. "Oh, and what if I don't?" Ricky replied, snarking. Frank didn't reply, he swung and hit him square in the jaw, making me fall backwards. He let go of my hair as he went to the ground. Frank pulled me close to him. "Come on, let's bail." He said, starting to walk away.

"Carly?" I heard. I shook my head a little and looked over. "You spaced out," Vince said. "Sorry, I tend to do that a lot." I replied. "Just thinking about my past." I said, quietly. "What about it?" He asked. "Just about Nikki, how he's always been." I said. "I feel bad," I added on, looking down at my lap. "He's only trying to protect me, he told me he'd always protect me and that's what he's doing. I shouldn't be so mean to him." I said, looking back up and Vince. "Go tell him that, then." He said, smiling. He kissed my forehead and I smiled. "Okay," I replied and stood up. I walked out of my room and looked around. 

I saw Nikki sitting on the couch, tuning his bass. "Nikki?" I asked. He looked up. "What?" He asked, and looked back to his bass. "I'm sorry," I said. He looked back up to me again. "Come here." He said, putting his bass to the side. I walked over and sat next to him, he opened his arm up and I scooted closer to him. He wrapped his arm around me. "I know that you only want to protect me and you only want to see me happy," I started. "I shouldn't have been so rude." I said, looking up at him. He smiled a little. "It's okay, I'm sorry for freaking out on you." He replied. "I just don't want you harming yourself." He added on. I nodded. "I understand. But, if I ever do stuff like this again, you know I'm a careful person, I'll be careful." I said.

"I know, Carlotta." He said. "Don't call me that!" I whined. "It sounds so foreign!" I said. He laughed. "Why don't you just change your name if you don't like being called by your actual name? Just change your name to your nickname." He said. I shrugged. "I don't dislike my name, I got it from my great grandmother so, I want to keep it." I replied. He nodded. "Well, Mick should be here soon. We gotta start talking and practicing with Vince." He said. "I'll go get him," I said, standing.

"Oh, Carly?" I heard Nikki said from behind me. I turned around. "Yeah?" "Don't rush into a relationship with him, okay?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?" I asked. "Just, don't. Okay?" He asked again. "Well, okay." I replied and walked into my room, my thought racing.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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