Chapter 21.

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Carly's POV

After mine and Vince's.. catching up. We walked out and we started to leave the bar, Nikki and Lita were already ahead of us. "Ready to go?" He asked me. "Yeah," I replied, taking Vince's hand in mind. We walked out and I smiled when he brought my hand up and kissed it. I looked over and saw Nikki arguing with some guy, it was getting pretty nasty. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's going on?" I asked. "Your guess is as good as mine," Vince replied. I saw Nikki take out his metal chain and he swung it around and nailed the guy in the face. My eyes went wide.

"Nikki!" I yelled. The guy went off, he shoved Nikki backwards, he hit the ground and he yanked the metal chain out of his hand. Nikki screamed, a very girly scream, might I add and the guy took the metal chain and it got Nikki right in the cheekbone. I started to walk over to break it up when I felt arms wrap around me. "Carly, you can't fix this." I heard Vince say. "He's gonna get himself killed!" I exclaimed. "The guy is a cop, you cannot go into that or your ass will be in jail," he said. "Where the fuck is Lita?" I asked. I felt Vince shrug. "I have no idea." He replied.

The cop pulled Nikki up and slammed him against the police car, I just now noticed was there and put his hands behind his back. "Oh my god," I said. "You're under arrest for assaulting a police officer." The cop said, he opened the door and put him in. Nikki looked out the window at me. "I'm gonna come and get you," I said, loudly enough so he could hear me. He smiled a little and the car drove away. "What the fuck just happened?" I asked as Vince let go of me. "Something set him off," Vince said. Lita walked out from, who the hell knows where. "Where'd Nikki go?" She asked.

I felt my blood boil. "He went to jail! Where the fuck were you?!" I asked. "Carly, you need to calm down," Vince said. "No! I don't want to! Some girlfriend you are!" I yelled at her. "Your boyfriend just got into a fight with a cop and went to jail, why weren't you here to stop him?!" I yelled. "This isn't my fault–" "Shut up! You should've been here for him! You could've calmed him down!" I yelled, cutting her off. "You're suppose to be his fucking girlfriend! You're suppose to be there for him, where the fuck were you?!" I yelled. She stayed silent. "I'm not going to stand here while you pretend to be the victim here, I have to go bail Nikki out of jail," I said, walking past her and to mine and Nikki's car. "He was my ride, what am I suppose to do?!" She exclaimed. "Figure it out!" I yelled at her.

I got in the car and started it up. The passenger door opened up and Vince got in. "That was fucking amazing." He laughed. I chuckled a little. "I don't know what came over me, honestly." I said, starting to drive. "What came over you was your best friend just got his ass beat by a cop and his girlfriend wasn't there to help him calm down." Vince said.

We drove to the police station and as soon as we got there I quickly parked and got out the car. I quickly walked into the police station. "Nikki Sixx?" I asked. "You here to bail him out?" The police officer asked. I nodded. "It's $500," he replied. "$500?!" I exclaimed. "Carls, I have it. Don't worry about it," Vince spoke up. "No, that's so much–" "Shh, I got it. I don't want Nikki in jail either." He cut me off. I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much, I'll pay you back." I said. "I won't accept it." He said, smiling.

After everything, Nikki came out and the police officer uncuffed him. "Thanks, Vince." He said. "It's no problem, really." He replied. "Drive me back to the bar, I'll go home. I think you two wanna talk, anyways?" Vince said, chuckling. "You have no idea," I glared at Nikki.

We parted ways and I drove Nikki and I home. "Where's Lita?" He asked as I parked. "I don't know and I don't fucking care," I replied and got out of the. I walked up to our apartment with Nikki trailing behind. "You mad or something?" He asked as we walked inside. I slammed the door shut, causing Nikki to jump. "Yes I am!" I exclaimed. "You got into a fight with a fucking cop!" I said. "I didn't know he was a cop!" He said. "That's not an excuse! And what kinda girlfriend do you have?! Where was she?!" I exclaimed. I quickly shut my mouth.

I shouldn't be saying that to him, he clearly likes Lita. "What?" He asked. "Nothing, just forget it." I mumbled. "What? Are you jealous?" He asked. "I said forget it." I walked past him. "What was all of that about Lita? Where did that come from?" He asked, following me. "I said, forget. It." I said, walking to my room. I started to shut the door and Nikki used his arm to block it. "I don't want to, do you not like her?" He asked. I sighed. "No, I don't like her. She should've been there for you to help you calm down, that's what a girlfriend is suppose to do." I said. He raised his eyebrows. "So, you are jealous?" He asked, smirk on his face. "You just got your cheekbone broken, how can you smirk right now?" I asked.

He chuckled. "I'm going to sleep, I had a pretty eventful day, but this conversation isn't over." He said. "Goodnight, small one." He said and walked to his room, shutting the door. I sighed and shut my door. I'm really dreading that conversation tomorrow.

(A/N: I wanna know what you guys wanna see in the story, I wanna include the readers, if you want to see more of something or less of something, let me know! Message me ideas or comment them on this and I'll give you credit! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻

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