Chapter 36.

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Carly's POV

A few days had passed since I tried smack with Nikki, it's really not the drug for me. As soon as I felt it enter my bloodstream, I threw up. I didn't like how it made me feel at all. Nikki was really sweet through the whole experience, he helped me and calmed me down and talked me through it the entire time.

I'm now officially one of their managers again, so I quit my old job which is a relief. I fucking hated that place. I love being in a bar but, not working at one. Things that have also happened over the past few days is that Nikki is acting like my boyfriend almost. I love it, we've been falling asleep in each other's arms every night, I don't know what this means but, I never want it to end. I absolutely love it, I'm hoping he'll ask me to be his girlfriend soon–

"Hey, small one." I heard Nikki say. I looked over at Nikki sitting next to me in the booth at the bar I previously worked at. "You spaced out on me again," he chuckled. "I'm sorry, you know how I am." I said, smiling. He nodded and kissed my cheek. "I'm going to get us some drinks, I'll be back." He said. He kissed my cheek one more time before getting up and walking over to the bar. Once he left, I smiled showing my teeth and covered my face with my hands, giggling.

"Wow, she's absolutely smitten," I heard Vince say. I uncovered my face and looked across the booth at Vince. "You guys dating now?" He asked, taking a sip of his beer. "I don't know, honestly. But, I'm really enjoying whatever this is." I said, the smile never leaving my face. "See? Told you she was in love with him," Mick said, sipping his drink. I smiled. "Yeah, Mick called it a while ago." Tommy spoke up. "When?" I asked, smiling.

"When you overdosed, we were in the waiting room–" "And he exploded on Nikki!" Tommy cut him off. "You told Nikki?" I asked and looked back at Mick. He nodded. "Yeah," he replied back simply. "He knew all that time?" I asked. "Yeah, has he not said anything to you about it?" Vince asked. I shook my head. "No, he never said anything to me about it." I replied. Weird that he never mentioned it to me, maybe he just never believed Mick.

I smiled when Nikki sat back down next to me. "Hey, baby doll." He said and kissed my head. I smiled. "Hey, you." I replied. He handed me my beer and took a sip of his own and put a bottle of Jack on the table. "Are you trying to get me drunk?" I asked, opening mine and laughing a little. "Maybe," he said, smiling at me. "You're a lot more affectionate when you're drunk." He winked at me. I pushed him playfully. "Oh, shut up!" I laughed. Vince chuckled. "Oh, yeah. She does get a lot more affectionate when she drinks," he winked at me. "I can vouch for that," Tommy spoke up.

Vince's eyes went wide. "You fucked Tommy, too?!" He exclaimed. Nikki laughed. "Yeah, the only person in the band that's left is Mick," he said. "No." Mick and I said in unison causing the rest of the boys to laugh. "Holy shit, I didn't know you liked younger guys," Vince said. "Shut up! I was drunk!" I said, laughing. "He was also 18 and Carly was 21," Nikki said, quickly. "Nikki, you're not helping." I said, laughing a little. "Damn! He was basically a kid!" Vince said, laughing. "He was legal!" I exclaimed. "Barely!" Nikki and Vince said in unison. I rolled my eyes. "You all are impossible." I laughed

The night went on, Nikki and I hardly leaving each other's side the whole night. I loved every second of it, I wrapped my arms around him as he pulled me into his lap. "You look so beautiful, Carly," he said in my ear. I felt heat rising to my cheeks. "Thank you, you always look perfect," I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled. "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back." I said. I took a sip of my cup of Jack Daniels and got up. I felt Nikki pinch my ass when I started to walk away. I laughed and looked back at him. He winked at me and I smiled and continued to the bathroom.

I quickly went to the bathroom and washed my hands. I looked in the mirror and fixed my makeup a little and my hair. I smiled a little and walked back out. I looked over to where Nikki was and he wasn't there. I scanned the crowd for a black puff ball of hair. I spotted him, he's facing away from me. I smiled and started to make my way over. I pushed through the people the were a little too drunk and got up to dance and walked over.

"Nikki," I said, smiling. He turned around and when he did, I saw a girl with her hands on his chest and I looked up at Nikki and he has red lipstick smeared on his lips. "Oh," I said, hurt all in my voice. "Hey, small one." He said. What hurt even more is that he doesn't even seem upset that I saw him doing this, or that he sees anything wrong with what he's doing.

"Hey," I said, quietly, forcing a smile. "I'm just letting you know, I'm uh, heading out." I said. "Oh, why?" He asked. "I'm not feeling the best, you can stay here. I'm just gonna call a cab and get home." I said. He nodded. "Well, okay. Be careful, Starry Eyes." He said and kissed my head. I forced a smile and headed out the bar. I sighed out and just started to walk home. I felt tears fill my eyes.

As I continued to our house, the tears came streaming down. Why would he treat me that way if he was going to do that? Did everything we do mean nothing to him? We never were official, I guess he can do whatever he wants. Well, if he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I can, too.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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