Chapter 73.

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Carly's POV

Today is a real boring day. Nikki and I have nothing to do, so what do we do? Of course, blow and smack. Everything was fine, we were talking and watching TV and drinking, having a movie marathon like we always do. Then, out of nowhere..

"Do you hear that?" Nikki asked me. I muted the TV. "Hear what, babe?" I asked. "Those voices!" He exclaimed. I furrowed my eyebrows and listened closely. "I don't hear anything." I said, confused. Nikki jumped up from the couch and looked over at the other side of the living room. "Get out!" He yelled. I flinched and looked to where he was. Nobody's there. "Hey, Nikki–" "Don't you see them?!" He asked, pointing. I looked back to where he was pointing. "I don't see anyone, baby." I said, standing up. "Hey, calm down." I said, walking over to him.

He looks scared, like actually scared. I've never seen Nikki act like this before. "Come here." He said, grabbing my arm. He quickly ran to his bedroom with me and shut the door. He locked it and then shut the curtains in his bedroom. I grabbed a candle and lit it and placed it on his dresser. "Nikki, you have to calm down." I said. "I can't! People are after me!" He said, frantically. I'm really confused at this point, I don't understand what's happening. "Hey, look at me." I said, walking over to him. He was rummaging in his drawer for something. "Nikki." I said sternly. He looked at me and I placed both of my hands on the sides of his head.

"You need to calm down, I don't know what's going on right now, but you have to calm down. You're getting yourself too worked up, whatever you think is happening right now, is not happening." I said, softly. He looked at me for a while before answering. "Did you cheat on me?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why do you ask that? Of course I wouldn't." I replied. "You did, didn't you!?" He yelled, pushing my hands away from him. I backed up from him a little. "Nikki–" "How dare you!? I've given you absolutely everything and you do this to me!?" He yelled. "Nikki, I didn't cheat on you!" I replied. "Yeah, right!" He said.

"I love you, you know I would never cheat on you." I said, trying to calm him down. "I let you live in my fucking house, I do all these sweet things for you, and you turn around and fuck someone else!? You're a slut!" He yelled. My eyes went wide. "Nikki, stop!" I exclaimed. "You thought you'd be able to hide it from me, but I'm not stupid. I know you did!" He yelled. "I don't know what you're talking about!" I said, growing upset. Nikki went back to rummaging through his drawer. I walked to the door and unlocked it. "Where the fuck are you going!?" He yelled. I flinched and turned back around. He has his gun in his hand.

"Nikki.." I said, carefully. "Why are you trying to leave, cheater?!" He yelled. I don't know what to do. Clearly, this isn't Nikki. I don't know what this is– Psychosis. He's going through a drug induced psychosis. "I'm not cheating on you, Nikki. I promise. I would never dream of cheating on you, you have to believe me." I said, feeling fear wash over me. He held the gun up and I screamed and opened the door. I slammed it shut and ran away. I heard the door open back up and a gunshot fire off. I screamed when I heard the gunshot and I quickly grabbed my keys from the kitchen table.

"Carly!" I heard him yell. I heard him getting closer and I quickly opened up the cabinet near the sink and squeezed myself inside and shut it. I held my keys tightly so, they wouldn't make any noise and covered my mouth. "Where the fuck are you?" He asked, coldly. My heart is beating out of my chest. This is like a scene out of a horror movie. The love of my life held a gun to me and now is looking for me, is he going to kill me? "CARLY!" He yelled. I felt tears fill my eyes when I heard his footsteps in the kitchen. I'm praying to every single thing I can pray to that he doesn't find me. "Did that fucking bitch leave?" He muttered to himself. I heard footsteps walk out of the kitchen and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I gotta get out of here.

I slowly opened the cabinet again and crawled out. I shut it, making sure I don't make noise and crawled towards the door. I saw Nikki, he has his back towards me and the gun is still in his hand. He walked into my bedroom, and then I got up and opened the back door, quietly and shut it. I frantically ran to my car and got in. I started to drive away and then the tears ran down my cheeks. I have never been so scared in my life. I've never feared Nikki until now. I don't know who to go to right now, I'm so scared. I've never seen Nikki like that before. He's never done something like this to me before.

I kept driving until I saw Tommy's house and I parked outside. I shakily got out and walked up to his house. I knocked on the door and sniffled, the tears wouldn't stop flowing down my cheeks. Tommy opened the door. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked, as soon as he saw my tears. I broke down and started sobbing. He wrapped his arms around me and held my close. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here, you're okay." He said, softly. He ran his hand through my hair and used his other hand to rub my back. "Shhh, calm down, Carls." He soothed. After a few minutes of sobbing, I calmed down enough to go inside with Tommy.

"What's going on? I don't like seein' you cry, small fry." He said, sadly. He took my hand and we sat down on the couch. "Nikki and I were doing smack and blow–" "Shit, Carly. You're on that crap, too?" He asked. "Yeah, but we can talk about that another time," I said. "Everything was fine at first, but then he started seeing and hearing things and he accused me of cheating on him and then, he pulled a gun out–" I cut myself off and started crying again. "He–He held the gun up at me and I screamed and ran away, he fired a shot and I hid and he was l–looking for me, I finally got to sneak out." I cried. Tommy shook his head. "What the fuck, man?" He asked. "He started to go through psychosis, so it's not his fault but, I'm so scared. I'm pretty sure he was going to kill me!" I cried. Tommy pulled me in for a hug again. "You're safe now, it's okay, Carls." He said.

"I have never been so scared in my life and my Dad used to pull a knife out to me." I said, sniffling. "Woah, what?" Tommy asked. "My Dad was really abusive, so is my Mom. But, not as bad as my Dad." I said. "Was?" He asked. "My Dad passed away a few months back." I said. "You've had such a crappy life, Carly. You don't deserve that, you really don't deserve what Nikki has done to you." He said. I wiped the tears off my cheeks. "I'm sorry for just showing up, I didn't know what to so, I just started driving and saw your house." I said. "You don't have to apologize, you're always welcome here. You're my best friend." He smiled. "No, Nikki's your best friend." I laughed a little. "Well, as of right now, he ain't." He said. I chuckled lightly. "Well, good. You're my best friend, too." I said.

"Let's have a best friends day." He said, standing up. I laughed. "What's your idea of a best friends day?" I asked. He walked into his kitchen and came back out with 2 bottles of Jack Daniels. "Getting drunk together." He said, holding them up. "Every time we drink together, we end up having sex." I said. He walked over and sat down. "I know, that's why I want to drink with you." He winked. I laughed and lightly pushed him. "I'm kidding, I'll make sure we keep our hands to ourselves. Okay?" He said. I smiled and nodded.

"Okay." I said. He handed me a bottle and took the lid off his. "Maybe we're destined to be together, that's why we always have sex when we are drunk." He joked. I laughed. "Oh my god, get out." I laughed and took a long swig of my drink. "Wanna watch some TV?" He asked. "Yes, anything to get my mind off of this damn day." I said, bringing the bottle up to my lips again.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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