Chapter 63.

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Carly's POV

Waking up, my whole body instantly ached. I whimpered a little and saw Nikki sleeping next to me, I thought he was hanging out with the boys? I looked over at the clock and saw it was 12 PM. My eyes went wide, I slept the entire day away!? I ran my hand through my knotted up hair, I didn't get a chance to blow-dry and brush my hair out, anytime my hair air dries, it always gets really curly. I sighed and sat up, stretching. I slowly got out of bed and walked out to my room. I grabbed some clothes and slipped them on. I walked over and looked at myself in the mirror, love bites are littered my neck, trailing down to my collarbones. I blushed a little and walked to the bathroom. I grabbed my hairbrush and started to work out the knots in my hair, I winced every time a knot would come in contact with the brush.

Finally, I finished with my hair and quickly ran a straightener through it. I smiled and ran my hand through my hair. I groaned when I felt nauseous again, I quickly lifted the lid to the toilet and started to throw up, once again my whole body shuddering, this time was worse than any others. After what seemed like an eternity, I stopped still dry heaving, though. I took a deep breath and flushed the toilet. I shakily stood up and brushed my teeth, used mouthwash and turned the sink on to wash them both down the drain. What has been going on with me? I don't get it, every morning for 3 days now, I've just been throwing up. I furrowed my eyebrows, my breasts are tender, I've been getting sick in the mornings and, oh my god. When's my period suppose to be here? It's December third, it should've come by now, right?

I rubbed my temples, I have too much shit on my mind. Am I pregnant? I have no idea, I don't wanna be pregnant. How would I tell Nikki? We aren't even together, are we? I have no fucking clue about any of this! Wait, could the kid even be Nikki's if there even is a kid... I was with Tommy and Vince a little while ago. My eyes went wide. Oh, no. Did we use protection? I don't fucking know, I was on smack. I could be pregnant, and I don't even have a clue who the Father could be. "I'm such a slut," I mumbled to myself. I can't be, Nikki and I always use protection, right? No, wait. We don't always and there have been a few times where Nikki doesn't pull out.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed and walked out of the bathroom, I was met with a sleepy Nikki walking up to me. "Are you okay, Starry Eyes?" He asked. I forced a smile. "Yep, great, why?" I asked. "I heard you yell," he replied, confused. "Oh, that," I replied. Think of an excuse, I can't just go out and say, "oh! I might be pregnant and it's either yours, Tommy's or Vince's!" I cleared my throat. "Stubbed my toe, no big deal." I finally said. He nodded. "Ah, okay." He said. "Did you get sick again?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope, whatever bug I had must've past." I lied. He smiled. "Good, I don't like when my baby's sick." He replied. "I'm gonna make breakfast." I said, walking to the kitchen. I felt Nikki trailing behind me, I smiled when I felt his arms wrap around me. "Did you sleep well?" He asked. I turned around and faced him, he has a smirk on his lips. "Yes, I did." I replied. "Wonder why that is?" He asked, leaning closer to my face. "Oh, shut up." I laughed, pushing him back gently.

I quickly made some scrambled eggs and sat down at the table with Nikki, placing a plate down in front of him and then walking over to the fridge. "Thanks, baby doll." He said from behind me. "You're welcome, my love." I replied and got out the milk. "No beer?" He asked, chuckling. I was hoping I could get away with no beer today, I have no clue if I'm pregnant or not, even though I'm not thrilled with the idea, I don't wanna do anything to hurt the baby, if there even is a baby. "We're having eggs, a healthy breakfast. I want something healthy to drink, too." I said, hoping he wouldn't push further. "Well, you can be healthy, I want a beer, please?" He asked. I turned around and got a beer out of the fridge for him, sighing in relief that he didn't press further as to why I was getting milk out. I got the beer out, put it on the counter and poured myself a glass of milk. I put the gallon back and walked over to the table, putting our drinks down before sitting. "Thank you." He smiled at me. I smiled and took a bite of my eggs. "What's on the agenda today?" I asked and took a sip of my milk. "I was hoping we could do a repeat from the previous night," he winked at me. "No! My whole body aches," I pouted. "Ah, Fine. We'll figure it out, then." He smiled at me.

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