Chapter 10.

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Carly's POV

"Nikki, can I stop yet?" I asked, putting the camera down. "No! We need plenty of pictures to choose from and to put up to get our name and faces out there," he said. "Now, come on!" He whined. "I don't know why you're whining! I'm the one who's been taking these pictures for a half an hour!" I exclaimed, holding the camera up again. Nikki smiled and they all posed. "1, 2, 3." I clicked the camera.

This went on for another half an hour. Resulting in so many pictures that they couldn't possibly use all of them. "While we're here and all dressed up, let's have some fun with the camera!" Vince said, cheerfully. He walked over to me and reached his hand out for the camera. I gave it to him, "what do you mean?" I asked. "This!" He said, pulling me close to him and turning the camera so it was facing him. He kissed me and I heard the camera go off. I giggled against his lips. "Oh god, I probably look awful." I said, breaking the kiss.

"It probably looks like you're a lesbian couple," Tommy chimed in, causing all of us to laugh. Well, all of us except Nikki, who was standing and watching Vince and I intently with his arms crossed. "speaking of which, are you two a couple? You've been seeing each other for a few weeks now." Tommy added on. I looked over at Vince who was already looking at me, smiling. "Yeah, we are." He said. My eyes went wide. "What?" I asked, a smile spreading across my face. "Yeah, we are a couple." He said, more to me than to Tommy. I smiled. "I'm more than okay with that." I said, leaning in and kissing him.

"That was so damn cute, I'm going to vomit." I heard Mick say, I laughed out of the kiss and looked over at the guys. Nikki looks angry, I know that look all too well, he's pissed. I know I'm going to get an ear full when we get back home. I dry swallowed and tried my best to shake the nervousness I felt for when I get back home. "Want to stay at my place tonight?" Vince asked. I opened my mouth to say yes, when Nikki spoke up. "She can't, she promised me she'd help me with stuff around the house when we get back." "Oh, well, okay." Vince said. 'Tomorrow, then?" He asked, I forced a smile. "Yeah, definitely." I replied, glancing over at Nikki.

Sadly, the day went by quickly. I had just kissed Vince goodnight and I'm now walking into mine and Nikki's apartment, preparing for the scolding. I breathed out before walking inside and shutting the door behind me. Nikki was already standing in the living room, I can tell he's been waiting to say whatever he's about to say to me all day. "What did I say to you a few weeks back?" He asked. I sighed. "You told me not too rush into a relationship with him." I said. "Exactly! You don't listen!" He exclaimed.

"Nikki, like I said before, you're not my Dad! Stop acting like it!" I yelled. Nikki was taken back when I yelled, I rarely ever yell, especially at him. "I get that you want to keep me safe, but I'm not 16 anymore!" I said, sighing. He shook his head. "Vince ain't a bad guy, but he's not the commitment kind of guy!" He yelled, I flinched at his yelling. "Don't yell at me." I said, quietly. "No, I'm allowed to! You did first!" He yelled. "You don't even fucking know him!" He added on. "You don't either!" I said, tears filling my eyes. I hate yelling. I. Hate. Yelling. I really hate when Nikki yells at me, I know I yelled first, but I lost my temper, I didn't mean to. Nikki knows what he's doing, he's yelling at me and making me this way on purpose.

"I bet you don't even know he has a kid!" He yelled. "W-What?" I asked. "Yeah! At 16!" He yelled. "You're dating a stranger." He said, laughing. I felt a tear run down my face and I quickly wiped it away. "We can work through stuff like that!" I replied. He shook his head, laughing again. "You wanna know why I still treat you like you're 16!?" He yelled. "Because you still act like one!" He shouted, not even letting me try to answer. "Stop yelling at me!" I cried. "I'll stop when you get through your head that I know what's best for you!" He yelled. I felt more tears stream down my face. "S-Stop!" I cried. He rolled his eyes. "You can't just cry and get your way, I'm not 18 and gullible anymore." He said, condescendingly. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's that suppose to mean?" I asked. "You've done this our entire friendship, anytime I confront you, you use this little 'oh poor me' act to get your way!" He replied. I sniffled. "It's not an act, it's how you're making me feel!" I cried.

"Whatever, Carly. You know exactly what you're doing, and I'm not falling for it anymore." He said. "You know, one of these days, I'm not going to be around for you to come crying to when things don't go your way, grow the fuck up." He said, looking me dead in the eyes. I felt more tears run down my face and I hate myself for it. "Stop it!" I exclaimed, tears steadily streaming down my face. "If I'm so much of a burden to you, why are we still friends!?" I asked. "I have no fucking idea!" He yelled. I fell silent. I started to full on sob, my whole body shaking. "Fuck you, Nikki!" I cried and ran into my room, shutting it behind me. I pressed my body against the door and slid down it, covering my mouth with my hand to cover my sobs.

This is the biggest blow up Nikki and I have had. We've had arguments and little spats before, but never to this extreme. I can't believe that that's how Nikki really feels about me, us, our friendship. I ran away from my family just to be with him and this is how he treats me? It honestly broke my heart to hear those words come out of his mouth. I'm not wanted here, I'm not wanted at home, I'm not wanted anywhere.

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