Chapter 3.

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Carly's POV

The sun shown through my cracked curtains and I whined a little and pulled the blankets over my head that is killing me. I hate hangovers, I honestly don't even remember how the hell we got home.

I rolled over and I saw the face of Tommy laying next to me, I furrowed my eyebrows. Why is he still here? I saw that he didn't have a shirt on and I lifted the blanket up and realized I didn't have any clothes on either. "Oh my fucking god." I whispered. I quickly got up out of bed and grabbed some pajama pants from the ground and grabbed the first shirt I could find. "Good morning," Tommy yawned. I looked over and saw Tommy stretching and rubbing his eyes. "Morning," I said, scratching the back of my head. "I'm sorry but, did we–?" I cut myself off, Tommy turned his head over to my nightstand and picked up a condom wrapper. "Oh my god," I said, holding my head.

"Hey, at least we used protection!" Tommy said. "You're not helping." I said. "What's the big deal? People do this stuff all the time!" Tommy said. "The big deal is is that you're 18 and I'm 21!" I exclaimed. "I'm legal." "Barely legal!" I replied. The door opened and I whipped around and Nikki was standing in the doorway. He looked at me and Tommy and chucked. "Nice." He said, still chuckling lightly. "Shut up! Nothing happened!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, okay." Nikki said, shit eating grin on his face. "Really!" I said. "Oh really? Because last time I checked, that's not your shirt, I'm pretty sure Tommy had that shirt and that hickey wasn't on your neck yesterday," Nikki said, pointing to my neck. I whined and walked over to the mirror. "Fuck my life!" I exclaimed, grabbing my bra and shirt from the ground and pushing past Nikki to the bathroom.

I could hear Nikki following. "You like younger guys now?" He said, I can hear the smile in his voice. I turned around in the bathroom doorway. "Shut up, I was drunk." I said, holding the door. "That's what they all say." Nikki said, holding back a laugh. "Go away, this isn't funny!" I said, whining and slamming the door shut, locking it afterwards. I took Tommy's shirt off and unlocked and cracked the door open and dropped his shirt outside the door and shut and locked it again. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. Nikki is never going to let this go.

The day went on, Tommy had left and Nikki and I had just gotten off work. "How was work?" I asked as Nikki walked in the door. "I fucking hate that place," he replied. "It's a music store! I'd love to work there." I said, getting a beer from the fridge. "I want to be a rockstar," he replied, walking up to me. I handed him a beer. "I know, but you need to be patient." I said, opening mine and taking a sip. He sighed and opened his, then walked back to the living room. "We need to find a guitarist," Nikki said as he fell on the couch. "You'll find one." I replied. "And a lead vocalist, we would only need to find one if you just said yes." He said, taking a few gulps of his beer.

"You have to understand where I'm coming from," I started. "We're best friends and us working together would put a wedge between that. I don't mix work like that with friendship." I explained. Nikki nodded. "Well, I think we'd just be closer." He replied. "I don't know, it's too risky. I don't want anything to ruin our friendship." I said, taking another sip of my beer and putting it on the table in front of me. "Aw, you love me that much, Carly?" He said, tickling my sides a little. "Stop that!" I laughed and smacked his hand away. "And, of course. I ran away from home just to continue our friendship." I said, looking at him.

"So, why did you sleep with Tommy last night?" Nikki asked, smirking at me. "Told you, drunk." I said, reaching for my beer. "I think you were jealous that I was fucking someone," he replied. "Yeah, right!" I said, laughing. "You do that all the time, why would now be any different?" I asked. He shrugged. "Mmm, I don't know.." He trailed off, bringing his beer up to take a drink. "Why? Were you jealous that Tommy got some and you didn't?" I joked, taking a swig of my beer. Nikki didn't reply right away, finally he shook his head. "Nah," he said, after swallowing. I tilted my head to the side. "Were you?" I asked, seriously. "I mean, maybe." He said, avoiding eye contact.

I bit my lower lip. "Why?" I asked. "It's just because you're my best friend and we just met him, I don't want anyone else laying their hands on you. That's all." He said, finishing off his beer. "Oh," I said, kinda sad. He wasn't jealous because he has some feelings for me? I thought that that's why. I mean, I don't know why I'm sad about it, I don't have feelings for him. "Yeah, I understand that," I said, avoiding looking at him. "Uh, wanna another beer?" He asked. I shook my head and finished mine off. "I'm just gonna go to bed, I'm tired." I said, looking up at him, finally. "You look upset, what's going on in that head of yours?" Nikki asked, grabbing my empty beer bottle. "Nothing!" I said, forcing a smile. "Just tired, that's all." I said, standing.

"Well, goodnight." He said. I smiled and waved a little as I walked towards my bedroom. I shut my door and quickly walked over to my bed and sat down. I don't know why I'm upset right now, I just feel really upset. I guess part of me really wanted Nikki to have feelings for me, which is stupid because I don't even have feelings for him.


(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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