Chapter 69.

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(Before you read this, I just wanna thank RandiMcMickin for this idea! If it wasn't for her, a chapter wouldn't have gone up today, so thank you!❤️)

Nikki's POV

"Okay, maybe getting black out drunk wasn't my best idea," I chuckled. Carly giggled and swallowed the aspirin and handed me the bottle. "Maybe not, but I think it was fun? I don't know, we did black out," she replied. "Did we have sex?" She asked. "By the marks on mine and your neck, I'm guessing? You always get a lot more turned on when you drink vodka." I chuckled. "I do not!" She laughed. "Wait, do I?" She asked. I nodded. "Oh, oops." She giggled.

I smiled. As much as I hate this hangover, I don't really mind it. Carly has been laughing and smiling since we got up and that's all I could ever ask for. If this is the only price I have to pay to see her smile, I could do it forever. "What's the plans for today?" She asked. "Well, last night, I was gonna go to the carnival with you, but vodka and Jack Daniels got in the way of that," I chuckled. "Let's do that today!" She said, excitedly. I smiled. "I have missed this Carly." I said, hugging her and kissing her head. "I love you." She said, looking up at me. "I love you more, Starry Eyes." I replied. "No, I love you most." She said.

"Uh, no. I love you more than that." "No, I love you even more than that." "Well, I love you more than I love music." "I love you more than I love my guitar." "I love you more than Jack Daniels." "I love you more than blow." "I love you more–" "I love you infinity and beyond." She cut me off. "I love you more than that!" I laughed. "Nuh uh, that's not possible!" She stuck her tongue out at me. I laughed. "Okay, how about we love each other the same amount. Infinity and beyond." I said. "Hmmmm," she hummed. "Okay, I can deal with that." She said. I smiled and kissed her head.

"Now, go back to bed." I said and let go of her. "Why?" She asked. "Cause, I wanna do something sweet for you. Now, shoo." I said. She laughed. "Okay, I'll probably go back to sleep then. Just wake me when you're done." She said and walked off to my bedroom. We should just have one bedroom by now. We always sleep together in either room. I got out bacon, sausages, eggs and the rest of the supplies that I'll need for breakfast.

I started to make the bacon and poked at it with the spatula, I'm now realizing that I don't know how to really make breakfast foods all that well, Carly usually makes breakfast. I poked my lower lip out, I hope I don't fuck this up. I heard a knock on the front door and groaned. I'm trying to be a good boyfriend, who the hell is here interrupting me?

I stopped making the bacon and walked out into the living room and opened the door. "Vince, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I heard about the miscarriage," he slurred. "Dammit, not this shit again. Go home and sober up. Now." I said, pushing the door shut. Vince used his arm to block the door and he pushed his way inside. "Vince, leave." I said, sternly. "No, I heard everything. How Carly went outside, how you didn't get there in time to stop that man," he said, angrily. His speech is still slurred but, not to the point where I can't understand him. "Excuse me?" I asked. "You heard me. Thanks to you, Carly lost our baby." He said. "Your baby? That baby was mine and Carly's." I said. "Whatever, the point is, Carly lost the baby and it's all your fucking fault!" He spat.

"This isn't my fault!" I said, I could feel my emotions beginning to get the best of me. "Yes it is! She was screaming your name, where were you!? Probably screwing around with some other girl at the bar!" He yelled. "Get out!" I yelled. "You just can't handle the truth, that's why you're telling me to leave!" Vince yelled. "I mean it, Vince, leave!" I yelled. "How can you live with yourself knowing that you're the reason that Carly isn't a Mother anymore!?" He yelled directly in my face. I went silent. The things he's saying are really cutting deep, every word he says hurts. I wish he didn't have that power over me but, right now he does.

"What's going on?" I heard Carly's voice. I turned around and saw a startled and half asleep Carly standing right outside the hallway, she's wearing one of my shirts so, it looks like she's wearing a dress. "I heard yelling," she said, then she caught glimpse of Vince. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "The real question is why the fuck did you go outside when you were at the bar!?" He yelled at her. I saw her face drop. "W-What?" She asked. "Why the fuck did you leave the bar? You were basically asking for something bad to happen!" He continued, yelling at her. I saw tears fill her eyes. She looked down and the tears ran down her face, she already feels like this situation with the baby is her fault, he isn't making it any better. "Vince, fucking leave." I said through my teeth. "You do not come in our house and yell at Carly, go home and sober up before I make you leave with force." I said, sternly.

"Because of both of you, I don't have a kid anymore! Are you proud of yourselves?!" He yelled. "I'm going to call the cops if you don't leave!" Carly spoke up. "You wouldn't." Vince said, cockily. Carly quickly walked over to the phone and started to dial, she dialed the 9 and the 1. "Okay!" Vince exclaimed, putting his hands up. "I'm going," he said and walked over to the door. "Just know," he turned and faced me. "This is mainly all your fucking fault." Vince spat and pointed at me. He walked out the door and slammed it shut. Carly and I stayed silent for a moment before I felt my throat get a lump in it, the tears filled my eyes and I bit my lower lip to try to get the tears from falling.

"Baby-" Carly began to say something and I sat down on the couch and the tears ran down my cheeks. I put my head in my hands and my sobs shook my body. I felt Carly's arm wrap around me. "Nikki, hey." She soothing voice filled my ears. "Hey, talk to me. Why're you crying?" She asked, now rubbing small circles on my back. "He's right," I cried. "It's all my fault, if I got outside sooner, we'd still have a baby on the way." I sobbed. "Nikki, stop talking like that. Vince was drunk." "And he was completely right, if I just got outside-" "Nikki, stop." She cut me off. "Like you said, the only person at fault for this is that man. Not me, not you." She said. "Vince was drunk and he's bitter." She added on. I sniffled and looked up at her. "It breaks my heart that you're crying." She said, sadly. "I'll be fine, baby." I replied. She leaned in and kissed my nose. "I love your nose," she said. I chuckled. "You do, hm?" I asked. She nodded. "It's perfect, just like everything about you." She said. I smiled. "Aw, yay. You're smiling." She smiled. I smiled more and leaned in, I pressed my lips against hers. She smiled against my lips and pulled herself closer to me. I broke the kiss and looked at her again. "Thank you for being by my side." I said. "Don't thank me, I love you, I'll always be by your side." She said. "Is something burning?" She asked, sniffling. "Fuck, the bacon." I said and quickly got up and ran into the kitchen.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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