Chapter 58.

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Carly's POV

The ride to where the funeral is being held was long and silent. Nikki and I are going earlier, as requested from my Mom. I'm dreading it, I haven't been around my family in a while, I haven't seen my Mom in a year, I haven't seen the rest of my family in even longer. My Mom hasn't seen Nikki since he was 18 and his name was Frank and she's not very fond of him and just like her, she spread mine and Nikki's business all over the family. I don't even want to know what they think of us.

Nikki parked outside the funeral home and turned the car off. I breathed out and looked down at my lap. "I don't think I can do it," I spoke quietly. "We can leave anytime you want, Carls. Just say the word and we're gone." Nikki said. I looked over at him. He's wearing a black button up shirt, black dress pants and black shoes. His hair is laying flat today and he's not wearing any makeup whatsoever. He looks really handsome. "Okay, I just need a few minutes before walking in there." I said. "Take as long as you need, Starry Eyes." He said. I gave him a small smile and took a deep breath.

After a few minutes, I nodded and he gave me a smile and got out. I got out after him and flattened out my black dress. It was hard to find anything in my closet for a funeral, I'm wearing a black long sleeve dress and comes down to the top of my knee and black flats. I kept my hair natural and my face makeup a minimum. I walked into the funeral home and Nikki took his hand in mine. I was met with my Mom, she looks a mess. She already has makeup streaming down her face, her hair is disheveled and she's very clearly drunk.

"There you are, what the hell took you so long?" She spat at me. I took a deep breath. "I live in California, the drive is lengthy." I replied, blandly. She looked up at Nikki. "Frank, you look different." She said. "It's Nikki now." He said. "Still Frank to me." She replied. "Mom, I'm fucking serious," I started. "If you keep doing this shit, I'm going to leave with Nikki, for once be a decent fucking person." I said in a hushed tone. "Who do you think you're talking to?" She said, through her teeth. "I think I'm talking to my drunk mess of a Mother," I replied. "I'm paying my respects, I'm going to talk to some of the family and I'm fucking leaving and you'll never see me again." I said and brushed passed her, Nikki's hand still in mine.

I walked up to my Dad's casket and looked in. He still looks mean, even lifeless, he has a natural mean look on his face. I looked around and the room was empty besides Nikki and I. "I wanna say some things," I said. Nikki squeezed my hand slightly. "Go ahead, do you want me to leave?" He asked. I shook my head. "Please don't leave me side at all," I said. He leaned down and kissed my head. "I wouldn't dream of it." He said. I took a deep breath and looked at my Dad again.

"When I found out that you had passed, I was honestly shocked. I didn't know what to do or say, I wasn't happy or sad," I started. "You always told me that you'd be here to make my life hell everyday. You always said that you'd never let me have peace," I continued. "So, when I got the call that you passed, I wasn't happy, I wasn't depressed, I was relieved. I was relieved that you aren't here to hurt me anymore, it's all finally over. You can't hurt me anymore. But, for me to move on with my life, I need to let go of everything you did to me. Dad, I forgive you for how you treated me. I'm forgiving you for all the shitty things you did to me. I'm forgiving, but I'm never forgetting. I'll always keep in mind how you treated me because I want to never treat my kids like that, if I ever have kids, they'll have the best childhood ever. So, goodbye Dad. I hope that you finally have peace wherever you are." I finished.

I wiped the tears that were streaming down my face and looked over at Nikki. He smiled and kissed my head. "That was beautiful, Carly. I'm so proud of you." He said. "Thank you for being here with me through this." I said. "Don't mention it, I'm glad I could be here for you, angel." He said.

The night went on, all of my family is here offering their condolences and paying their respects. Hardly anyone has even glanced at Nikki or myself. Which, I'm okay with. "I'm ready to get out of here, Nikki." I said, softly. He nodded. "Alright, let's go." He said, matching my tone and he took my hand in mine as we stood and started to walk. "Carlotta Dean and Frank Feranna, is that you?" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw one of my aunts from my Dad's side of the family walking up to us. "I actually go by Nikki now." Nikki spoke up. "Isn't that a girly name?" She asked. I felt his grip on my hand tighten a little. He breathed out. "No, it's either or." He said, calmly.

"I'm so sorry, I can't imagine losing your Father at such a young age." She said. "I'll be okay," I replied. "Especially with how sweet he was to you." She said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "He and your Mother used to go on and on about how much fun you all had together! It's so sad that he had to leave your life so soon." She replied. I was shocked. "They said that?" I asked. She furrowed her eyebrows and nodded. "Yes?.. Is that a problem?" She asked. I let go of Nikki's hand and charged over to my Mother. "How dare you!" I exclaimed. Everyone turned their attention to me.

"Carlotta–" "No! You don't get to talk, I do! How dare you tell everyone that you two were great parents! We had so much fun together? Really? What was more fun, Mom? Getting blackout drunk and beating the shit out of me, or was it more fun when you sat back and let Dad beat me?" I asked. I heard gasps fill the room. "There is a time and place for this, and this is not it!" She yelled. "Yes it is! You and Dad beat the shit out of me all my life, you belittled me and drove me to try to kill myself! What kind of fucking parent are you?! Treating me less than dirt and then lying to the whole family about how great you are?! How low can you be!?" I yelled.

My Mom crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm done, you both treated me like garbage all my life and I've had it," I said, angrily. "It wasn't enough for you to treat me like shit, you had to bad mouth me and Nikki to the whole family and made it as if I was the one who betrayed you! Yeah, I ran away from home at 16 with Nikki, but he gave me the best life I have ever had, and for you to make it out to seem like he stole you from me is horseshit!" I yelled. "He's given me more love in 7 years than you have ever given me in my 16 years living with you." I spat. "I hope those lies were worth it because you'll never see or hear from me ever again, you hear me? NEVER again." I said and walked away from her.

I walked over to Nikki and grabbed his hand, I kept walking to we got to his car and I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and quickly lit one. I inhaled the smoke quickly and exhaled it through my nose. "Do you feel better?" I heard Nikki ask. I nodded. "Yeah, yeah I do." I said, looking up at him. "Good, then that's all that matters." He replied and smiled at me. "Ready to go home?" He asked. "More than ever." I replied.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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