Chapter 13.

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Carly's POV (Light Smut Warning)

"We're gonna call the band Mötley Crüe! You know, with the umlauts!" Tommy said, loudly. I laughed. "You guys finally picked a name?" I asked. "Yes! Mick came up with it, Nikki came up with the spelling and the umlauts." Tommy laughed. I smiled and looked over at Nikki. "The band is finally coming together, hm?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes, I'm so fucking excited." He replied. I felt arms wrap around my waist, I turned my head and was met with Vince's face. I smiled and kissed him. "I've missed you." He murmured into my neck.

"I've missed you, too." I replied. I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Stay at my place tonight?" He asked, rubbing my back. I leaned back and nodded. "Yes, I'd love to." I smiled. I could see Nikki roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye. I brushed it off, I don't know why he's acting this way. I'm happy, why can't he be? "When you guys gonna record your album?" I asked, breaking away from Vince's embrace and reaching for my beer. "Soon, we already got a place." Mick said. I nodded. "What's your favorite song off the album?" Tommy asked. "Hm, that's a hard one. I love all the songs, I mean I've only read the lyrics and heard some rough takes of the actual songs but, probably Tonight." I said.

I saw Nikki smirk but, then quickly went back to his resting bitch face. "I like that song, too." He replied. I nodded and just awkwardly walked away from the situation and started to walk to my room. "Wait up," I heard Vince say. I smiled and turned around. He quickly walked up to me and held my hand and we continued to my room. "Is Nikki alright?" He asked as he shut the door. "What do you mean?" I asked. "He's always giving us dirty looks when we show any sort of affection." He replied. I scratched the back of my neck and took a sip of my beer. "Well," I started after swallowing. "He's just really protective of me. His logic is that we don't know each other that well, he's just worried." I explained. Vince nodded. "I understand that, but I really like you, so he has nothing to worry about." He said, smiling.

"Well, I really like you, too." I said. He smiled again and leaned in to kiss me. I closed my eyes and our lips connected. He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead on mine. "Think you can be quiet?" He asked. I giggled and nodded. "Yeah, what did you have in mind?" I smirked. He took the beer from my hand and put it on my dresser and quickly walked over and rested his hands on my waist, I smiled and leaned in, kissing him deeply. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and like always, our tongues moved in sync. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. His hands ran down my side and rested on my ass, squeezing.

I smiled against his lips and his hands ran up my sides again and up my shirt, he lifted my shirt over my head and our lips connected again, his hands roamed my body till they got to my bra, he quickly undid the clasp and my bra became loose around me. I moved my arms and let it fall to the ground. He started to back me up and I stopped as soon as my legs hit the bed.

Things were starting to escalate when the door opened, I yelled and pressed myself against Vince to cover myself. I looked over and Nikki was standing there, angry. "We were talking about going to the bar, but I can see you two are busy." He said, lowly. "Nikki–" "Just hurry up, we wanna go soon." He said and slammed the door shut. I sighed and backed up from Vince and sighed. "Carly.." Vince said. I could tell something bad was coming from the tone of his voice.

"What?" I asked, reaching for my shirt and slipping it on. "This.. isn't going to work." He said. I felt my face drop. "What?" I asked, hurt in my voice. "Us dating, it's not going to work." He said. I felt tears brim my eyes. "Nikki will never let this work." He said. "I can talk to Nikki–" "No, Carly. He will not let this work. I'm sorry, it's getting to be impossible to be with you." He said. "I care for you, I really do. We can still be friends." He said. "Friends?" I asked, a tear rolling down my cheek. "I really like you, Vince." I said. "I'm sorry, maybe we can get together one day, just now isn't the time." He said. I bit my lower lip. "I'm just, I'm sorry." He said, sadly and started to walk out. I stayed still, silent.

He walked out and shut the door. I walked over and shut the curtains and climbed into my bed, bringing the covers up. I felt more tears run down my cheeks. I get attached too easily but, I really liked him. I really wanted to see where things went and everything is ruined yet again.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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