Chapter 43.

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Carly's POV

I walked into mine and Nikki's house with Vince's hand in mine. I don't even know what I'm doing with him, I just don't want to feel lonely. Vince is the only thing that's helping me not fall completely apart. I feel bad, but Vince's company helps me not feel so broken. All this shit with Nikki is driving me insane.

"I'm going to use the bathroom," I said to Vince. He nodded and kissed me. "Okay, hurry back." He said. I smiled and let go of his hand and walked over to the bathroom. "Did I hear what I think I heard?" Nikki opened his bedroom door. I jumped. "Christ, Nikki!" I exclaimed, holding my chest. "He's here?!" He exclaimed. "Shhhh!" I shushed him, "he's going to hear you!" I whispered. "Like I give shit," he grumbled. I flinched at his breath. "Are you fucking drunk?" I asked. "Maybe," he rolled his eyes. "Nikki, go lie down and sober up." I said and walked into the bathroom.

I reached in my pocket and got out my baggy of blow. I dumped all of the powder out on the sink counter. I made sloppy lines and snorted them up, rubbing my nose afterwards. Shooting it is better, but I honestly don't feel like doing all of that shit right now. I snorted the remaining stuff on the counter and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm a wreck. I've been doing more drugs again lately. I've been doing them a lot more recklessly, too. It's the only way I know how to cope with these feelings.

I heard some yelling from outside the door. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the door and walked out. "Why the fuck are you even here?!" I heard Nikki yell. Oh no, I quickly ran out into the living room. "What are you talking about?! I'm with Carly!" Vince yelled back. "Guys, let's all–" "I'm talking about how we're in love with each other!" Nikki yelled. "Clearly not, since she's with me!" Vince yelled back. I looked over at Nikki who clenched his fists. "She does love me!" He yelled. "Nikki–" "Then why is she all over my dick?!" Vince yelled, cutting me off.

Nikki laughed. "Yeah, right! She told me I'm better in bed than you are!" He yelled. My eyes went wide. "Carly is always telling me about how much a train wreck you are!" Vince yelled. "Carly and I have loved each other since we were teens! She's only dating you to settle!" He yelled back. "You wanna know what that song tonight is really about?!" Nikki added on, still yelling. He didn't even give Vince a chance to reply. "It's about me taking Carly's virginity!" He yelled. "Must've not been as important to her as it was to you because she never tells me about it!" Vince yelled.

"If Carly was given the chance between me or you, she'd choose me in a heartbeat!" Nikki yelled. "Yeah fuckin' right!" Vince yelled. "She's mine! Get away from her!" Nikki yelled, stepping towards Vince. "She isn't yours because you're too much of a pussy to commit!" Vince shouted. "Unlike you, I'm not afraid of commitment!" He added on. Nikki smirked. "Is that why you always dump her when you find a new slut to fuck?!" Nikki yelled. "Fuck you!" Vince yelled. "You know what she does when you dump her?" Nikki asked, walking up to Vince.

"She comes to me, crying. She wraps her small arms around me and I hold her while she cries, I kiss her and hold her and make her feel loved and special, something you don't know how to do for her." He said, smirking. "Yeah, you make her feel loved, you don't actually love her like you claim to." He said. "Guys!" I exclaimed. "I do fucking love her!" Nikki said. "Is that what love is? Shoving your tongue down some junkie's throat? My mistake, I thought it was something different." Vince chuckled. This is getting out of hand.

"Both of you stop!" I yelled. "Butt out!" They yelled in unison. "You're just jealous that I can make her scream and beg when you can't even make her moan." Nikki said through his teeth. Vince shoved Nikki backwards, Nikki stumbled and fell over. He looked up at Vince. "You made a huge fucking mistake doing that, Neil." He said, anger in his voice. He got up and lunged at Vince, shoving him against the wall.

"Guys, stop it!" I yelled. Nikki threw a punch and it got Vince right in the jaw. "Stop!" I yelled. Vince threw a punch and it hit Nikki in the nose. I ran over and tried to break it up. "Enough!" I yelled. Vince shoved me backwards and I fell backwards and my head hit something. I whispered and felt tears well up in my eyes. "Oh my god," I heard Nikki say. "Get off of me!" He yelled at Vince and shoved him away. Nikki ran over and bent down.

"Are you okay?" He asked, quietly. "I feel dizzy, but other than that, I feel okay." I said sitting up. Nikki's eyes went wide. "What?" I asked frantically. I turned my head and saw a pool of blood, my eyes went wide. "Get out." Nikki said, lowly. "I-I didn't mean to–" "Get out! Now!" Nikki cut Vince off. Vince quickly ran out of the house and I brought my hand up to the back of my head and then looked at my hand. "Oh my god," I said, tears rolling down my cheeks.

My vision started to get blurry as I looked at the blood on my hands. I felt faint and lightheaded. "Carly? What's going on?" Nikki asked. He sounded really far away even though he's right by me. I fell backwards again and I felt Nikki's arms catch me, my eyes rolled into the back of my head and darkness engulfed me.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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