Chapter 62.

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Carly's POV (SMUT WARNING: This smut is a lot more explicit than the ones I did in the past, I was listening to "Animal In Me" when I wrote this, so it kinda just happened, I'm kinda hesitant on posting this, but hopefully you enjoy.)

I shuddered when as I flushed the toilet again. I stood up and started to brush my teeth. "Second morning in a row, Carls." Nikki said from behind me. I spit into the sink and looked at him in the mirror. "I know, my body's being a dick." I said, I used mouthwash and quickly swished it around my mouth before spitting it into the sink. "Maybe you are sick." Nikki said. I turned the sink on to wash the toothpaste and mouthwash down the drain. "It's weird because I feel fine other than the puking." I replied. Nikki sighed. "I don't like that my little Starry Eyes is sick." He frowned. I smiled and turned around. "I'm fine, baby boy." I replied. His cheeks turned bright pink. "You like being called that?" I asked. "Are you my Baby Boy?" I asked, trying my best to sound seductive. His blush turned darker and he shook his head. "Stop that." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. I laughed. "You're more of a sub than you'd like to admit," I said, walking out of the bathroom. "I am not!" He called after me. I laughed again.

"Oh yeah, Baby Boy?" I asked, winking at him, his cheeks heated up even more. He put his hands on his cheeks. "Stop that!" He whined. I laughed once more. "It's cute! I can't help it." I replied, turning the Christmas tree on. "It's daylight, why're you turning that on?" Nikki asked, removing his hands from his cheeks. "It's Christmas!" I exclaimed. "It's only December 2nd!" He said, matching my tone. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Oh, who's the baby now?" He chuckled. I scowled at him. "You still are, Baby Boy." I replied, walking into the kitchen. "Stop that!" I heard him exclaim from behind me. I giggled and got out a beer for Nikki and myself. He walked in and took the beer from my hands. "You just brushed your teeth." He said, smiling at me. "I'm a rebel, what can I say?" I said, winking at him and taking a sip of my beer. He chuckled and took a swig of his own. "What's on the agenda for today?" I asked. "Tommy and Vince are coming over today, so we're all just going to do some dope and drink." He said, smiling. "Wow, sounds like the perfect day." I laughed. He kissed my head. "Well, you're here so, of course it's perfect." He replied. I quickly downed my almost full beer and threw the empty bottle in the trash. "I'm gonna shower," I said. "Okay, can I join? That was really hot." He smirked at me. "No! Remember what happened last time?" I asked. "God, will you ever let that go?" He laughed. I shook my head. "No! I was sore for like a week!" I exclaimed. "Damn, I was really that good?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, please?" He said and stuck his lower lip out. I groaned. "Fine! But, I'm taking an actual shower this time, not just straight to sex!" I said, crossing my arms over my chest. He smiled wide. "Okay, sounds fine by me." He replied.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the water on, I stripped and stepped into the hot water, I smiled when the heat engulfed me. I felt the shower curtain move and arms wrap around my waist, I smiled and turned to face him. "God, you're gorgeous." He said, smiling down at me. He leaned in and I pressed my finger to his lips. "I want to shower first, thank you." I giggled. He rolled his eyes and picked up the shampoo. I went to take it from his hands, when he pulled his arm back. "Nope, let me." He said, smiling at me. I turned so I was facing the shower head and I felt Nikki massaging the shampoo through my hair, even with the hot water showering over me, I felt goosebumps appear on my skin, I felt Nikki leave a small kiss on my shoulder and I smiled, biting my lip. "Okay, you can rinse your hair out." He said, I turned around and started to wash my hair, I smiled up at him looking at me. "What? See something you like?" I teased. "Oh, you have no idea." He smirked. I giggled and then started to condition my hair.

Nikki and I quickly finished actually showering. "Now, where was I?" He said, winking at me. I smiled up at him. I love when he has his hair out of his face. He usually has his hair covering most of his face, he's the most attractive man I have ever seen. He has the most beautiful green eyes that I get lost in every time I look in them. He has the most perfect nose ever, I love when he scrunches up his nose, his lips. Oh my god, those lips. He has perfect lips, kissing them is the best feeling in the world. He has the most perfect jawline I have ever seen, just his bone structure in general, it's all perfect. Hell, even his eyebrows, they're perfect. Lately, he always has makeup on because of concerts but, when he has his makeup off, he looks even better. I have literally never seen such a perfect man.

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