Chapter 41.

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(Before you read this story, I just wanna say a huge thank you to RandiMcMickin for giving me the idea for this story! I changed it just a little bit, but the idea was mainly hers!❤️)

Nikki's POV

Ever since Carly and I had that weird moment together, we haven't really talked all the much. She's been distant with me ever since. The one time we talked was when she told me we have a gig tonight. Carly left before me so, she's probably already at the place. She got her own car recently so we stopped sharing a car. I'm kinda sad about it, we used to drive everywhere together because we only had one car, it feels like she's separating herself from me.

I sighed and started to make my way to my car to get to the place. After driving for a little while I parked outback of the place and walked in through the backdoor. "Tommy!" I heard Carly yell and laugh. I walked further in to see Tommy have Carly in a headlock. I chuckled. "Nope, this is what happens when you don't share the Jack!" He laughed. Carly moved her hands from Tommy's arm around her neck to his side and she tickled him. "Not fair!" He said in between laughter. He let go of her and she got on top of him and wrapped her arm around his neck. "Submit!" She laughed. "Never!" He laughed.

I chuckled again. "Submit!" She said, wrapping her arm around the back of his head, putting him in a sleeper hold. "Not fair at all!" He laughed. "Tap out!" She laughed. Her laugh is making this room so much brighter, I love her smile and laugh. It's my favorite sound, it always have and always will be. "Fine, fine!" Tommy laughed and tapped three times on her arm. She giggled and hopped down. "Know your place," she winked at him. She looked over and saw me. "Hey, Nikki." She smiled. I smiled. "Hey, small one." I replied.

She winked at me and walked away. I sighed a little. I miss her, I don't know what's going on with her lately. I shook my head and got ready to go onstage. I grabbed my bass and put in my earpiece. "Okay, you guys are on." Carly said. Vince walked over and kissed her quickly and then ran out. I rolled my eyes and followed. I guess they're a thing again, for however long Vince is still interested. He'll drop her again and I'll have to comfort her like I always do.

"Thank and goodnight!" Vince yelled into the mic. We all ran off stage and I passed my bass off to someone and sighed. "Hey, where's Carly?" I asked Vince. He shrugged. I haven't seen her, i didn't even see her in the audience or on the side of the stage, she usually is always there." He explained. "Yeah, I know." I said. "Do you think she left?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nah, probably in the bathroom," he said and walked over to get something to drink. I decided to walk around to see if I could find her.

I walked around for a while without seeing her. I sighed, defeated and decided to head back home. I walked over to my jacket and slipped it on and started to walk back outside, I glanced at an opened door, it's only cracked. I walked over and saw Carly sitting there smoking a joint. I smiled and walked over to join her when I heard a man's voice. I stopped and furrowed my eyebrows.

"So, how old are you?" He asked, he's clearly drunk. I can hear it in his voice. "Uh, 23." She replied, exhaling the smoke. "You available?" He asked. I saw him scooting closer to her on the couch. She scooted away. "Um, I'm interested in someone." She said, putting out her joint. I can tell she's uncomfortable. "Oh, who?" He asked and scooted closer. She stood up. "One of the people who were performing tonight," she said. "Those girls? Don't you want a real man?" He asked, standing up. "He is a real man," she spat. "More of a man then you'll ever be." She mumbled.

"What was that, little lady?" He asked and grabbed onto her arm. "Let me go!" She yelled and ripped her arm away from him. "Come here, I'll show you a real man." He said and reached for her waist. "Nikki is a real man!" She yelled. Nikki? She's talking about me? Is that what this is all about? Is this why she's been distancing herself. "Nikki, hm? Sounds like she isn't a man at all." He smirked. He grabbed onto her waist. "Get off of me!" She yelled, she tried to push him off but, this time he isn't letting go.

"HEY!" I yelled, kicking the door open. He jumped but, didn't let her go. "Get your fucking hands off of my girl!" I yelled and charged over to him, I grabbed him by the shirt collar and shoved him against the wall. I punched him scare in the jaw and he fell the ground out cold. "Nikki, what the hell?!" Carly exclaimed. I turned around and saw her with a shocked expression on her face.

"I'm sorry," I started. "I didn't like seeing his hands all over you like that." I said. "You can't just do that to people!" She exclaimed. We both went silent. "Wait.. my girl?" She asked. "What?" I asked. "You called me your girl? I'm yours all of a sudden?" She asked. "I-I–" "Make up your mind, Nikki!" She yelled at me. I looked over at her and she has tears in her eyes. "Carly–" She shook her head. "One minute you say I'm special, the next you're off shoving your tongue down someone's throat! I'm tired of always being a second choice to you, every time you get bored of me, you pick a new girl and when you're done with her, you come back to me!" She said, she looked down and the tears streamed down her face.

I walked over and wrapped my arms around her. She pushed me away. "I'm going home, don't come in my room in the middle of the night and fall asleep next to me like everything is okay, everything isn't okay!" She cried. "Carly, please just let me talk." I said. "Just, leave me alone." She said, pushing past me and walking out of the room. I turned around and watched her walk out.

I breathed out and punched the closest thing to me, which happened to be the wall. I looked and saw I left a hole in it. I looked down at my hand and my knuckles were bleeding. I shook my head. I fucked everything up, I fucked up mine and Carly's entire friendship.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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