Chapter 11.

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Nikki's POV

I awoke way earlier than what I'm used to, I've been tossing and turning in my bed for what seems like hours trying to get back to sleep. I huffed and kicked the covers off me and sat up, I know why I'm having a hard time sleeping. I was a complete and utter asshole to Carly last night. I fell asleep just fine last night because I was still angry and I felt like what I said was completely justified. Waking up today, I know it's not. I winced at myself and put my head in my hands. I fucking yelled at her, I didn't let up last night, I really yelled at her. She cant handle yelling, especially with how she grew up.

"Fr-Frank?" I heard Carly's shaky voice through the phone. I could hear yelling and things being thrown in the background. "What's going on? I asked. "Can you please come pick me up?" She asked, I could hear the yelling getting louder. "Please?" She asked more frantically. "Yes, of course." I said. "Just wait out in your car, don't come to the door, please." She said quickly. "What's going on-" I heard a loud crashing sound and I heard Carly yelp. "I gotta go, please hurry." She said, crying and the line went dead. I quickly dropped the phone and grabbed my car keys. I quickly drove over to her house, ignoring any speed limits, Carly is way more important than any tickets I could get. I pulled up outside her house and I rolled down the window, as soon as the window was rolled down, I could hear yelling coming from her house. I watched the front door intently, waiting for Carly to appear. The door swung open and I saw Carly quickly start to run out, I saw a man, I'm guessing her Dad run after her. He grabbed onto her arm and yanked her backwards. "And where the fuck do you think you're going!?" He yelled directly in her face. I felt my blood boil. "Hey, what the fuck are you doing!?" I yelled, I got out of my car and quickly ran over to Carly and her Dad. "Frank, go back to the car-" "Who's he? What, are you whoring around like your Mother?!" Her Dad yelled, yanking her towards him more. I grabbed Carly's other arm and shoved her Father backwards. He lost her grip and I quickly lifted Carly up bridal style and ran back to the car. I quickly got inside with her, placing her beside me. I looked over and saw her Dad charging towards the car, I slammed on the gas and drove away before he could get to the door. "You fucking little bitch!" I heard him yell after the car.

Carly had a black eye and a bruise on her arm from her Dad grabbing her. She would never tell me how she got the black eye, but I know her Dad did that to her, too. She never talked about that her home life with me, but I've seen so many other situations similar to that one. That was the first time I saw it. Even to this day, she doesn't talk about her home life to me, to anyone. She bottles up everything, she rarely opens up to people, I'm the only person she opens up to and she doesn't do it very often. I shook my head, what the hell is wrong with me? Yelling at her like that last night, what I said about our friendship. I'm a fucking dick.

I stood up from my bed and walked out, I walked across the hall to Carly's room. I knocked, which I rarely do. I usually just barge in, it's how we are. She does the same to me. "Carly?" I called. "Are you up?" I asked. I didn't get an answer so, I assume she's still sleeping. I sighed and walked out into the living room, I really fucked up and I don't know if she'll forgive me this time. I fuck up all the time, but never this badly. I never am that way towards Carly, she's the only person who sees the compassionate side of me, she never gets the asshole side of me. I can't even stand being me right now.

The day went on and Carly still hasn't come out of her room. Mick, Tommy and Vince are now over so we can talk about names and starting to find a place to practice and record songs. "Hey, where's your shadow?" Mick asked me. "My what?" I asked. "Carly, where is she? She's always by your side." Mick said. "Oh, we had a pretty big fight last night, she hasn't come out of her room," I said. "I can't blame her, though. I said some nasty things." I added on, feeling the guilt all over again. "I'll go get her, you both can talk and sort things out." Vince said, standing up from the couch. He walked over to her door and knocked. "Carlyyyy, it's Vince. Can I come in?" He called. No answer. He opened the door and walked in, but quickly walked back out without Carly.

"I thought you said Carly's own her room," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "She is, or suppose to be. She went into her room last night." I replied. "She's not there." He said. I quickly stood up and ran into her room. My eyes scanned the room, they landed on the open window. I quickly ran over to it and looked out, our apartment is on the first floor so, she got out really easily. I looked around to see if she took anything, everything is still in place besides her shoes. I walked over and opened up her closet, her clothes are all still here. I turned around and saw the guys walking in the room.

"Well?" Tommy asked. "Carly's gone, she ran away."

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