Chapter 17. Part 1.

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Carly's POV (Trigger Warning: Self Harm)

"It's your son," I heard Frank say. He was standing there, anxiously. Awaiting his Father's response. Frank had just called his Father, he keeps trying to convince himself that he's calling because he needs money but, I know that he just wants to talk to his Dad, he misses him. "Fuck you!" I heard Frank cry. My head shot up from the book I was reading, Frank has tears streaming down his face. He slammed the phone down and started bawling. I quickly ran over to him, "Frank–" "He said he doesn't have a son!" He cried. "How fucking dare he deny he had me!" He yelled. I felt tears fill my eyes. "Fran–" He walked away from me and into his room. I quickly followed and I saw him taking his records and throwing them at the walls, shattering as they impacted. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. His Dad broke his fucking heart. Frank picked up a broken piece from off the ground and started to drag it across his arm, leaving red dots of blood starting to form. "Frank!" I cried. I quickly ran over to him and pulled the broken piece out of his hand. He dropped to the floor and started to cry. I sat down next to him. "Why doesn't he want me?" He cried, more quietly this time. "He's not worth it, Frank. Do you hear me? He's not fucking worth it." I said, wrapping my arms around him. He buried his face into my neck and started to cry. I felt more tears burn my eyes. I've never seen him this heart broken before. "I don't wanna live," I heard him say quietly. He sat up straight and wiped the tears off his face away. "I don't wanna be here." He said. "Frank, listen to me," I said, cupping his face with my hands, I turned his head so he was facing me. "It is his loss, don't let him have that power over you. You're hurt, I know you are. You have every right to be hurt, but don't let this destroy you. Feel this pain, cry it out, drink if you want. Let your pain be acknowledged, and let it go." I finished. He leaned in and kissed my lips gently, quickly breaking it. "Thank you, Carly." He said. "Thank you for always being here." He said, smiling a little.

I cheered as the song, "On With The Show" ended. Every time I hear this song or read the lyrics, I always think about that night. The next morning, Nikki changed his name from Frank Feranna to Nikki Sixx. He changed his entire person. He told me that Frank Feranna is dead and that he never wants to be called that, that's not his name, his name is Nikki Sixx. It took a little bit to get used to it, but he's always been Nikki. It also just suits him a lot better.

I smiled wide when Nikki smiled at me. I gave him a thumbs up and he winked at me. I felt my heart flutter a little. I'm so head over heels for this guy, it's crazy. I don't know how I just now realized it. I'm sure I've loved him for a while.

The show came to an end quickly and I was already backstage, waiting for them to come back. I smiled when Nikki walked in first. I opened my arms up and he ran over to me, lifting me up and spinning me around. "That was fucking amazing!" He said, spinning me. I laughed as he put me down. "You guys were amazing!" I said, smiling. I saw Vince walk in. He glanced over at Nikki and I and quickly glanced away. Nikki caught his glance. "Wanna keep it up?" He whispered in my ear. I smiled and nodded.

Frankly, I don't care about making Vince jealous, it doesn't matter to me. I'm just happy I can do this stuff with Nikki, it's just an excuse to kiss him and love on him. "Wanna go out and celebrate?" I asked, looking up at Nikki. "You don't even have to ask." He said, he lifted me up over his shoulder. "Nikki!" I shrieked, grabbing onto him. He only laughed. "Let's go and celebrate." He said to the rest of the boys and started to walk. "Put me down!" I said, laughing. "Nah, you're too pretty to walk." He said, loudly. Probably making sure Vince hears.

After a while of being carried around by Nikki, we are now sitting in a booth. Nikki and Mick sitting on either side of me. I downed the rest of my vodka soda and smiled as Nikki wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Wanna do something fun?" He asked, Jack Daniels heavy on his breath. "That depends, what's your idea of fun?" I asked, looking over at him. He smirked and took his free hand and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small pill bottle. "Ecstasy." He replied. "Will you be doing it with me?" I asked. "Duh," he replied. I rolled my eyes. "You don't need to be a dick about it." I laughed. He laughed a little and took his arm from around my waist and opened up the bottle. He dumped out a few and handed them to me. "These are all for me?" I asked. "Yeah, it'll heighten your high." He said, dumping a few out for himself. I looked at my hand and saw 4 little pills of all different colors in my hand.

I quickly put them in my mouth and grabbed Nikki's cup of Jack Daniels and drank it to help them go down. "Don't you know you're not allowed to mix alcohol and drugs?" Nikki asked as he did the same. I smiled. "Yeah, but I'm with you so I know I'm safe." I replied. He smiled and he wrapped his arm around my waist again as we waited for the pills to take affect.

After a little while, I could feel the ecstasy taking affect. I felt my heart beat pick up more than normal, just by doing simple movements. The music seems to be a lot louder, the lights are a lot brighter, shadows are more erratic and things are a lot more blurrier than before.

"Hey, baby doll," I heard Nikki say. I looked over at him, his pupils are a lot more dilated. "Wanna go have some more fun?" He asked. I smiled. "Yes, I do." I said as he took my hand and lead me out to the dance floor.

(A/N: I'm going on a writing binge, so sorry for the spam of updates in advance! Thank you for reading! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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