Chapter 25.

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Carly's POV

Frank and I climbed to the top of his house, we sat down on his roof. I lit a cigarette and handed him my pack. "The stars look beautiful," I said and exhaled the smoke. "Yeah, they do." Frank replied as he lit his cigarette. I took another drag from my cigarette. "Night time is my favorite time, it's so quiet and peaceful, the stars and the moon is out." I said. "Every time a fight would happen at my house, which was almost everyday, I would run into my room and lock my door, I would walk over to my window with tears streaming down to face and just look at the stars and the moon while I played some music quietly," I started. "Just telling myself, I'll be alright." I said, quietly. I looked over at Frank, he was already looking at me, smiling. "What?" I asked, taking a drag from my cigarette. "Nothing, I just love the way you talk and how you think," he said. "Little miss Starry Eyes." He added on. I smiled a little and scooted closer to him. "I never want this night to end. I want to stay here forever with you, you make me so happy, Frank." I said. "You make me happy, too." He replied. "You brought so much light into my shitty life." I said, looking at him. "I know I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for us meeting." I said, I felt tears brim my eyes. "Why're about to cry, Carls?" He asked me. "I just am so thankful to have you." I replied.

I opened my eyes, my eyes scanned the room I was in. It looks like I'm in a hospital. I turned my head to my right and saw Tommy and Vince sitting in the chairs, they're both asleep. I turned to my left and saw Nikki and Mick, they're also asleep. Nikki fell asleep holding my hand. "Hey," I said the best I could, my throat is really dry. Nikki's head shot up. "Oh my god, you're awake, thank Christ." He said, frantically. "You're not even religious," I said, smiling a little. "Well, at that point in time, I was." He said. I smiled more. "What happened?" I asked. "You had a drug induced seizure," he said. "You overdosed." He added on.

"W–What?" I asked, tears filling my eyes. "I overdosed?" I asked. He nodded sadly. "You pushed your body way beyond your limit," he said. "What's going on with you, Carls? You're never reckless like this, all the years I've known you, you've never acted like this before." He said. "I guess I took having fun too far, I didn't know my limit," I lied. I know why I'm acting like this, he's dating that cunt, Lita. I'm in love with him, I've never been in love before, I also have never felt so rejected by someone in my life, He obviously doesn't want me and I need to let it go, but I can't.

I wish I could, I would do anything to just be able to forget this and go back to him just being my best friend. Every time I look at him, my heart races, my mind screams, "I love you." And it's scary. I've never felt love like this before, I wish I never fell in love because I don't have how to deal with it. I will literally do anything to forget about the love I have for him. Whenever I'm fucked up like I was last night, I don't think about it. That's why I like doing this, I like being reckless, it means I can forget about this shit. Is it stupid that I'm acting like this over a boy? Yes, of course. Do I care? Not even in the slightest.

"You need to know your limit, I don't want something like this happening again." He said. "Don't worry, I know my limit now." I replied, smiling at him. He smiled. "Good, seeing you seize like that scared the hell out of me Carly, I thought I was going to lose you." He said. "I'm too stubborn to die, you know that." I said. He laughed a little. "Yeah, I know." He smiled. I smiled. "I had a dream about the night we went on your roof," I started.

"The one night I called you starry eyes?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled. "That's a good memory." He said. "That's how I came up with the song, Starry Eyes. You know what right?" He asked. "I had a feeling since you called me Starry Eyes for a while." I replied. "I love that song, it always makes me think of you." He said. I smiled wide. "Really?" I asked. "Yep, it's one of my favorites because it's about you, my other half." He said. I smiled showing my teeth. "Wow, that must've made you real happy, you rarely ever smile like that." He said, smirking. "Well, you make me happy, you always have. Ever since I knew you as Frank," I said. He smiled.

"Right when I met you, I knew you'd be a huge part of my life," I started. "I loved you right away." I let slip out. I quickly shut my mouth. "I loved you right away, too," I felt my heartbeat pick up. "I knew you'd be my best friend right away, I always had love in my heart for you. Always will." He said. I tried my best to keep a smile on my face. He said he loves me but, of course as a best friend again. "I feel the same exact way, Sixx." I said. He smiled wide.

"You should be able to go home today, I think." He said. "Well, good. I want to be in my own bed." I said. He chuckled. "I want you home, too. I haven't even gone home. As soon as I came in here last night, I settled down to stay." He said. "You should go home and sleep," I said. "I slept!" He said. "Yeah, sitting up, which isn't comfortable." I said. He smiled. "We can take a nap together when we get home, deal?" He asked.

"Deal." I smiled.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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