A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)

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Hey Everyone. This is a new book that is about Violetta. It is has all characters (Except Tomas&Napo&Braco) . I will do a summary of all the characters.

Violetta Castillo-Violetta has just moved back to Argentina after living in Madrid with her twin brother Federico and ,Her Dad German .(A/N I always thought that Fede and Vilu would make good siblings so I hope people like them being fraternal twins.) She is very passionate about singing.They are excited about attending Studio On Beat also their Dad German, Knows that they sing. She is her Dad's favourite child and the younger twin. She and her brother have always been shielded from the outside world and now that she is 16 she is looking forward to experiencing new things.

Federico Castillo- Federico has just moved back to Argentina with his twin sister Violetta and his Dad German. He loves to perform and he is very confident. He is upset that his Dad German favours Violetta and they constantly fight about it. He gets angry that his Dad is so over protective all the time.

German Castillo-German is now living in Argentina with his two children Federico and Violetta. He is very over protective but that is only because he loves his kids. He is still upset about his wife's death. He moved them back to Argentina when he found out that their Aunt Angie found him and the kids so he took them away but little does he know that Angie is a teacher at their school and dead set on meeting her niece and nephew.

Angie Carrara-Angie has spent over 10 years searching for Violetta and Federico after their mother dies.A few months ago, Angie found out that they were living in Madrid and she went to find them. When she found them, she confronted German and he threatened her so she went back home to Argentina. She is unaware of the twins coming to the studio.

Leon Vargas-Leon is a confident great singer who attends the studio and is dating Ludmila. He is best friends with Andres who isn't so smart. He doesn't have any real feelings for Ludmila but he dates her because they are both popular. He comes across a little vain but he is nice once you get to know him

Ludmila Ferro-Ludmila is the most popular girl at the studio. She is dating Leon who doesn't really like her. She only dates him for popularity and also to make her sister Lara jealous because Lara has reall feelings for Leon but he doesn't realize. Her biggest enemies are Fran&Cami.

Lara Ferro- Lara is a quiet girl who has a massive crush on Leon that only her older sister Ludmila knows about. She doesn't attend the studio but she spends a lot of time there. She also spends a lot of time at the race track where Leon goes a lot.

Francesca Cauviglia-Francesca attends the studio with her best friends Cami&Maxi. She is dating Diego who is a bad boy even though everyone tells her not to. She is a good friend and a great singer who is Italian. Her biggest enemy at the studio is Ludmila.

Camila Torres-Cami attends the studio with her best friends Fran&Maxi and she is very quirky and friendly but she is insecure about her singing. She is has a huge crush on Broduey, the new exchange student from Brazil and she normally acts nervous around him but when she is not around Broduey she is very confient and likes to take control a lot. Her biggest enemy is Ludmila.

Maxi Ponte-Maxi is best friends with Fran&Cami and attends the studio. He is a great dancer and is very clumsy and fun to be around. He has a huge crush on Naty even though she is best friends with his enemy Ludmila who is constantly telling Maxi that Naty isn't interested.

Natalia Vidal-Naty attends the studio and her best friend is Ludmila. She is dating Andres because Ludmila made her because she thought it would make people respect her more if she had a boyfriend. even though Naty only sees Andres as a friend. She is in love with Maxi but whenever they are together Ludmila always ruins it.

Andres-Andres attends the studio and his best friend is Leon. He isn't very smart but he is very lovable. He is dating and is in love with Naty but he doesn't know that she doesn't feel anything for him. He hates Maxi and he is aware of Maxi's crush on Naty.

Diego-Diego attends the studio and is best friends with Marco. His Dad is Gregorio and he is a good singer and dancer. He is dating Francesca and his best friend Marco is in love with her and even though Diego is aware he is trying to ignore it unless Marco makes a move on Fran.

Marco-Marco attends the studio with his best friend Diego. He is in love with Francesca even though she is dating his best friend Diego. He is shy and quiet and he is very friendly.

OK guys so those are the characters! I will write the first chapter of the book when I finish my other one "Three Best Friends" and I will try and make it a long one. So I hope this book sounds exciting!

Sabrina xoxoxoxoxoxo

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