A New Act Of Salvation

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(The Next Morning)

*Vilu comes down the stairs and sits next to Fede at the table while Olga serves breakfast and gives Vilu more pancakes then everyone else*

Vilu-Why did you give me more Olga?

Olga-Aren't you hungry my dear? You didn't come down for dinner yesterday.

Vilu-No I wasn't yesterday but I am now. You know pancakes are my favourite!

Olga-I know.

German-I asked her to prepare them.

Vilu-Dad you know that just because you tell Olga to make food I like,doesn't mean that I automatically forgive you.

German-I know. That's why I did something else to make you forgive me.


German-Something that will teach those kids for making a fool out of my daughter.

Vilu-Dad what did you do?!

German-I stopped funding the studio.


Vilu-They are BANKRUPT! Now they will have to close down.

Fede-Didn't your want them to? I mean that is what you said.

Vilu-Yes but then I felt too guilty to do it.

German-But if you don't go then I have no reason to fund.

Fede-Urrm you do know that I am also your kid right?

German-Listen if they humiliate you so much that you don't go then they won't.

Vilu-That's wrong Dad.

*Vilu stands up*

German-Where are you going?

Vilu-To fix you mess.

*Vilu grabs her bag and walks out and Fede follows her*


Pablo-Hello everyone.

All-Hey Pablo.

Pablo-I am afraid that we have some bad news.

Cami-What is it?

Pablo-Our sponsor has decided to no longer sponsor us so we will have to close the studio....


Ludmila-It's all VIOLETTA'S fault!

Pablo-No don't blame Violetta. It wasn't her fault.

Fran-So we really have to leave?

*Vilu and Fede run in*

Vilu-Stop the meeting!

Naty-Are you here to rub it in our faces now?

Vilu-No I came to say that I didn't tell my Dad to stop the sponsorship.

Fede-It's true.

Vilu-Also I will convince him to start sponsoring the studio again. And if he doesn't then , I will just use my trust fund to pay.

Pablo-We can't take money from you Violetta.

Vilu-Then I will make sure that my Dad does. Also I am sorry for threatening the studio. I was angry and I didn't really want the studio to close down.

Fran-We understand.

Vilu-Well I will leave now.

Cami-Vilu wait!

Vilu-What is it?

Cami-Please keep coming here. We can start over.

Vilu-Sure I would like that.

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