A New Source Of Comfort

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*Vilu is sitting on a park bench and Angie sees her crying and goes to sit next to her*

Angie-Hey Vilu are you ok?

Vilu-I am fine Angie just please leave me alone right now.

Angie-Is it Leon?

Vilu-How did you know?

Angie-Because the last time you looked this upset it was because of him.

Vilu-I am so stupid.

Angie-Don't say that. Tell me what happened.

Vilu-Leon invited me to the race track to see him compete and then when he won Lara kissed him right in front of me..

Angie-Did you talk to him about it?

Vilu-No! I couldn't..

Angie-Maybe there is an explanation.

Vilu-You weren't there. It's not like he pulled away.

Angie-Listen Vilu, I know that Leon hurt you in the past but I think he cares about you.

Vilu-I doubt it. He played me and I am done giving him chances.Thanks for the advice Angie. I feel much better now.

*Vilu gets up and leaves*

*Pablo sees Angie and sits with her*

Pablo-So did you tell her?

Angie-I couldn't. She was crying and I couldn't hurt her more.

Pablo-So are you planning on telling them both?

Angie-Sure but I want to get closer to them first.

Pablo-So you are starting with Violetta?

Angie-Well it seems a bit hard to get close to Fede so yeah Vilu seems easier for now then I will tell them.

Pablo-What makes you so sure that German won't just take them away?

Angie-Violetta and Federico do.

*Angie gets up and leaves*

Pablo-What does that mean?

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