A New Guy

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Antonio-Ok everyone. We have thought it over and the main roles will go to Leon and Violetta.

*Everyone claps and congratulates them except Ludmila*

Ludmila-I deserve that role! Not her!

Gregorio-I agree. Diego and Ludmila would be ideal for the main roles.

Antonio-The roles have already been chosen. Anyway there is a list over there of the other roles. Also we have a new exchange student from Spain.

*A boy walks in and stands next to Antonio*

Antonio-This is Tomas.



Antonio-He needs somebody to show him around so Violetta would you?


Antonio-Great. We will be giving out scripts soon. Meeting over.


Vilu-Hey Tomas, I am Violetta but you can call me Vilu.

Tomas-Ok Vilu.

Vilu-So you are from Spain? Cool I was just living there.

Tomas-Which part?


Tomas-Oh I lived in Barcelona.

Vilu-Cool. Guys come over here.

*Fran,Diego,Maxi,Andres,Leon,Cami,Fede,Ludmila&Naty walk over to them*


Fran-Welcome to the studio.


Cami-So why did you decide to come to this Studio? Isn't there on in Spain?

Tomas-Yes they actually sent m over here since this is the original.


Vilu-So before I show you around why don't we go get a smoothie and I will see you guys later?

Fran-Sure Vilu.

Vilu-Great bye guys. Come on Tomas.

*Tomas and Vilu leave*

*Leon stares as they walk off together*

Andres-Earth to Leon?

*Andres snaps his fingers in front of his face and Leon looks at him*


Fran-You still love her don't you?

 Leon-No! Where would you get that idea from?

Cami-Urrm it's kinda obvious.

Maxi-Yeah you love Violetta not...Lara!

Lara-Hey guys what are you talking about?

Fran-The show.

Cami-Leon and Violetta got the main roles.

Lara-Violetta? Anyway well done Leon!


Lara-Listen you have to see what I did to your bike?

Leon-What did you do?

Lara-I fixed it and make it look so cool! Come on!

*Lara drags Leon away*

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