A New Way To Mess With Feelings

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*Fede and Ludmila sing " Luz Camara Accion"*

*Everyone claps for Ludmila&Fede*

Angie-That was great! You sung it very well and it is obvious that you have practiced a lot. Class is over.

*Everyone stands up and begins to leave*

Fede-Hey Ludmila do you want to get a smoothie?


*Ludmila smirks at Naty and then walks out with Fede*

Fede-So I think you have a really nice voice.

Ludmila-Thanks I like your face too. Wait did I just say that?

Fede-It's ok. You like me and that's great because I like you too.


Fede-Yeah, You are sweet and sincere...

Ludmila-(Thinking) Wow this guy does not know me at all.

Fede-And I would like to go out with you.

Ludmila-I would like that too.


Ludmila-Well this just turned into a date then.

Fede-I guess it did.

Ludmila-Hey listen we should start to head back. Why don't you quickly grab the smoothies while I make a phone call?

Fede-Sure my love.

*Fede kisses her cheek and walks inside while Ludmila smiles until he goes inside then she frowns*

*Then she pulls out her phone and calls Naty*

-------------------Phone Convo----------------

Naty-Ludmila! How is your smoothie date?

Ludmila-Horrible! Fede kissed me!

Naty-Well if you are going to make this work then you have to act as if he DOESN'T repulse you.

Ludmila-But with Leon it was different because I knew that he didn't like me back but now because I know Fede does like me, I hate every time he looks at me with love in his eyes.

Naty-You are Ludmila Ferro. You can do this. Just date him until people notice you more.

Ludmila-Thanks Naty. Now what are you doing?

Naty-Well before you called I was talking to Maxi.

Ludmila-Natalia I don't know what twisted feelings you have for that guy but they need to STOP. All anybody but you and I know is that you are in love with and in a serious and happy relationship with Andres.


Ludmila-Are you questioning me? 



*Ludmila sees Fede and hangs up the phone*

-------------Phone Convo Over--------

Fede-Here you go

*Fede hands her a smoothie*

Ludmila-How did you know that this was my favourite?

Fede-I know a lot about you.

Ludmila-(Thinking) Oh no my new boyfriend is a stalker!

Ludmila-That's so sweet.

*Fede when isn't looking at her , she rolls her eyes*

Ludmila-Shall we?


*They walk back to the studio and run into Leon and Lara talking and laughing*


Lara-Oh hey Ludmila. You seemed to have moved on fast.

Ludmila-A word.

*Lara and Ludmila walk away while Fede and Leon awkwardly stand there silently*

Lara-I was talking to Leon.

Ludmila-What the hell are you doing?

Lara-I was just talking to him.

Ludmila-I am warning you. Stop thinking that you have a chance with him because you don't. 

Lara-I do and I will prove it. He invited me to watch him race tonight.

Ludmila-Listen. I am just trying to look out for you. Leon will just use you to get to me.

Lara-Leon doesn't care about you anymore. Also you don't care about me or Leon you just want me to stay away from Leon because of Violetta.

Ludmila-Why would I do that?

Lara-Because me dating Leon would ruin whatever scheme you are planning so you are trying to get rid of me. You always try to manipulate me but it won't work this time. 

Ludmila-How is inviting you to watch him race, at a place that you would have been anyway a proper date?

Lara-Just stop manipulating me and if that scheme of yours hurts Leon and not Violetta then I won't forgive you.

Ludmila-You don't get it do you.

Lara-Get what?

Ludmila-When Leon isn't with Violetta, it hurts him so just because you hang around with him for a while, it doesn't mean that he will feel better or fall in love with you and do you want to know why?

Lara-I don't have to listen to this.

Ludmila-Because you are a sad, pathetic little girl with a crush and Leon will see right threw you. Ludmila is out!

*Ludmila walks off and Lara walks out while struggling not to cry*

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