A New Embarrassment & Confession

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Pablo-Ok so now we would like you all to listen to the song.

Ludmila-(Texting Naty) Now Nat!

*Pablo turns the music and suddenly it stops and the conversation at the girls sleepover starts playing*

Vilu-The truth is that, I am still in love with him and I regret ending our relationship. I hated seeing him with Lara and I think that he wrote those lyrics for me.

Cami-I knew it!

*Everyone stares at Violetta and she runs out of the hall while Ludmila sits there smirking*

*Leon then goes after her*

Cami-You did this Ludmila! I knew that you hadn't changed!

Ludmila-Me? I am surprised that you could think that I could do that.

Cami-Stop acting all innocent. There is no way that Fran or I recorded that so how else was it recorded?

Federico-Stop Camila! Ludmila wouldn't do that.

Naty-Ludmila can we talk alone?

Ludmila-Sure Nat.

*Ludmila and Naty walk off into the corner*

Naty-Why are you still with Federico?

Ludmila-What do you mean?

Naty-I thought that you were only dating him to get revenge on Violetta and reveal the truth about Angie but now that you have done that, why are you still together?

Ludmila-I don't know.

Naty-Then dump him.

Ludmila-I don't want to.

Naty-I knew that you would fall for him.

Ludmila-(Nervous) What? I don't...uurm like...him...

Naty-Then end it.

Ludmila-I will.


*Vilu is sitting on a bench crying when Leon comes and sits with her*

Vilu-Just go Leon, I am embarrassed enough.

Leon- There is nothing to be embarrassed about because I am still in love with you.

Vilu-Really? But when I tried to kiss you...

Leon-I didn't realise that you actually liked me. So can we be together again?

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