A New Joke

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(The Next Day)


*Vilu hears knocking so she pulls a blanket over her shoulder and opens the door and Leon walks inside*

Vilu-(Coughing) Hey...

Leon-Are you ok?

Vilu-I fell kinda ill..

Leon-Is somebody taking care of you?

Vilu-Olga took the day off, Dad and Ramallo are gone to some meeting and Federico left early so nope.

Leon-I will.

Vilu-(Coughing) Leon you...can't...miss..the studio.

*Vilu sneezes and frowns*

Leon-I insist. Let's get you upstairs.

*Leon and Vilu walk into her room and she lies down in her bed*

Vilu-Leon I will be fine. Just go.

Leon-I am not leaving your side.

Vilu-Leon this is SO Boring! I mean if you left then I could sleep and get better.

Leon-What about when you get hungry?

Vilu-Leon don't fight me on this.

Leon-Don't fight me on this.


Leon-Why are you so against me looking after you?

Vilu-I hate people seeing me when I am sick.


Vilu-I'm all gross and disgusting and I never wanted you to see me like that.

Leon-Vilu, even when you are gross and disgusting..

Vilu-Not really helping.

Leon-I will still be in love with you.

Vilu-Aww Leon.

*Vilu leans into give him a hug but he pulls away*

Leon-Stop you are sick!

*Vilu laughs and they hug*

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