A New Almost First Kiss

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*Vilu is walking through the park talking to herself when she runs into Leon*

Leon-Hey talking to yourself? Something must be wrong.

Vilu-My Dad reconciled with his Fiancee.

Leon-Why is that so bad?

Vilu-She slapped me...

Leon-What?! Why?!

Vilu-I don't wanna talk about that but I am so angry that he has almost forgotten about that!

Leon-Come on sit down and explain everything to me

*Vilu sits down with Leon on a park bench and explains everything that happened in Spain*


Matias-You need to keep it together Jade!

Jade-But I am tired of pretending! Is this guy's money really worth it?

Matias-Of course it does!

Jade-You are right . I just lost focus but as soon as I marry him we take the money and we are outta here.

*Vilu is sitting on the stairs listening to their conversation and when she goes up the stairs , Jade sees her*

*Vilu goes in her room and sits on her bed and in a few seconds Jade barges in and locks the door behind her*

Violetta-What are you doing?! Get out of my room you golddigger!!

Jade-Now listen to me little girl. If you tell anyone especially your father, I will kill you.

Violetta-I am not afraid of you Jade! I am telling my Dad RIGHT NOW and there is nothing you can do to stop me!

*Vilu walks to the door but Jade grabs her and slaps her hard across the face*

Jade-Do you believe me now?

*Vilu nods while clutching her cheek*

Jade-Good so we understand each other.

*Jade walks out of the room and Fede walks in*

Fede-Hey V can i borrow...Are you ok? Did she do this to you?!

*Fede hugs Vilu as she cries into his shoulder*

(End of flashback)

Leon-Oh Vilu come here.

*Leon hugs Vilu tightly and when he lets go he leans into kiss her*

*Jade is watching the whole thing but then as Vilu sees her, Jade walks away*

Vilu-Sorry but I have to go.

*Vilu runs after Jade*

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