A New Worry

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*Everyone goes to sit at the table and Olga dishes up the food*

Ramallo-Oh I am sorry that I wasn't here when you arrived but it is nice to see you now.

Violetta-It's nice to see you too Ramallo.

*German,Vilu&Ramallo look at Fede who is just pushing his food around his plate*

German-So you two will be starting the studio tomorrow. Are you both excited?

Vilu-Yes! Thanks Daddy!

German-Is there anything that you want to say Federico?

Federico-Oh yeah. The chicken is a bit dry Olga.

*Olga gasps*


Federico-Fine. Olga I am sorry that you can't cook chicken properly.


German-Go to your room.


*Federico leaves the table and goes to his room*

Vilu-Well I love the chicken Olga.

Olga-Aww *She walks over and hugs Vilu* That's why you are my favourite.

*Vilu smiles and German Frowns*


Olga-Sorry but we are all thinking it! I will go do the dishes.

Vilu-Daddy can I be excused?


*Vilu goes upstairs and into her room*

*She sits on her bed and begins writing in her diary*

Vilu-(Thinking as she writes) Dear Diary, Tomorrow is when I start the studio. I am so excited because I have always been homeschooled but I am also nervous. What if I don't fit in? What if I can't keep up with the work? Also there is Fede...He said that he wished that he was an only child and that really hurt me. We made a pact about looking out for each other but I don't know if that matters anymore. Anyway I hope that I make friends and learn a lot more about music.

With Love

Violetta x

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