A New Exposition

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Antonio-That was a great rehearsal everyone! You all performed the choreography very well. Especially you Violetta.

Angie-Yes Violetta you did extremely well.

Pablo-Yeah your performance was great.

*Ludmila gets annoyed and walks off the stage*

Pablo-What is wrong now Ludmila?

Ludmila-I can't go on like this.

Angie-Like what?

Ludmila-Pretending like I don't know.

Angie-Know what?

Ludmila-Your secret. Did you think that nobody would find out?

Pablo-What are you talking about Ludmila?

Ludmila-If any of you were wondering why Violetta got the main role it's because she is Angie's niece and do you wonder why she is always favouring Violetta and Fede then that is the explaination.

*Everyone gasps*

Ludmila-If you don't believe me then I have proof!

*Ludmila holds up a poster and a page from Maria's diary*

Ludmila-A poster proving that Angie is Maria's sister and a page from her diary. Are you going to deny it Angie?

*Ludmila smirks*

*Vilu walks down the steps and looks shocked*

Angie-Vilu I-I...

Vilu-Is it true?


Vilu-Are you really my aunt?

Angie-Yes and I...

Vilu-So you lied to me? To us?


*Vilu walks out and Fede walks down the steps and faces Angie*


Fede-What you did was so wrong.

*Fede leaves the studio*

Antonio-Is this why you recommended Violetta for the main role?

Angie-No it's because she is talented. 

Pablo-How could you do this Ludmila?

Ludmila-I was just looking out for my boyfriend. 

Pablo-My office now.

*Ludmila leaves the room and Pablo goes after her*

Leon-I should go after Vilu.


Tomas-Why can't I?

Cami-Because you barely know her.

*Leon leaves the room and sees Vilu in the music room and he goes inside*

Leon-Are you ok?

Vilu-I am fine.

Leon-Are you sure?

Vilu-Yep I really don't care.

Leon-Seriously? I mean if I found out that I had more family then I would....

Vilu-Family that was lying to you? Family that saw you everyday and could have told you the truth but didn't? I don't care if she is my aunt, I want nothing to do with her.

Leon-You don't mean that. You are just angry.

Vilu-I am but I am also hurt.

Leon-Come here.

*Leon gives Vilu a hug  and she leans into kiss him but he pulls away*

Leon-No Violetta. We are broken up and you are upset. We can't do this.

*Leon walks out and Vilu stands there shocked at what just happened*

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